balderdash9, Same thing happened to me. Grandma makes sure you eat lol
Sabre363, I wish my Grandma did this. Instead she just judged me for rejecting religion and lack of straightness.
Confused_Emus, (edited ) Well, her food probably tastes like unwashed ass anyway, so boo to her!
umbraroze, The difference between wolves and dogs: wolves eat the grandma, dogs eat everything else in the house except the grandma
Steamymoomilk, The pupper eate well.
N00b22, “I can’t move my face”
RobertOwnageJunior, Someone should tell that dumbass granny this is very unhealthy…
TheLurker, You are an idiot if you really think that in three days the dog went from a healthy weight to overweight.
RobertOwnageJunior, You are an idiot if you think.
Kolanaki, Husky? Nah, that sumbish is obese.
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