Working from home and Internet goes out for an entire 5 minutes at 9:00am: Oh well, better luck getting things done tomorrow then. Goes back to sleep for the day
Just get a salaried job, where you can still get paid while not working, in exchange for working 70 hour weeks (30 hours for free) when an impossible deadline is set.
Eh, I’m salaried, so there are opposite days, where I’m working well past 9pm on a weekday. There are also days where I have to work regardless of my home’s power/Internet status. If I lose those on one of those days, my office is going mobile for the day, yay!
EDIT: I’ll also add that I one of the lucky few that has a boss that measures my performance in productivity instead of hours behind a desk. It’s a beautiful thing to experience.
Or just sit and relax. I feel like people have lost this during my lifetime. Ive never lost the ability to just take a deep breath, lean back, and enjoy some quiet. I mean, if I was WANTING to watch a movie or something, there would be disappointment, but if the reason I can’t is beyond my control, it’s a waste of time to dwell on it and be upset. Right?
Also handy for taking regular breaks, staying occupied in meetings you don’t need to be in, waiting for your computer to run updates for IT, and giving up at 2pm but not wanting to obviously stop responding to messages!
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