How about asking someone to repeat something twice, really really wanting to retain the information and then you fail for the third time?
Also does anyone else end up losing the entire message because you are telling yourself to remember it, and then you realize, they are done talking and you still don’t know?
And that thing where you're reading something, and you know you read the words, but none of them "stick" and now you have to re-read the whole thing to figure out where you got lost.
I’m 100% neurotypical and and find that pretty much every community is just a bunch of relatable memes. ADHD, Autism, Bi-polar disorder, depression, etc.
Same thing with all the various sexual identities. I’ll call out bisexual people because I think most of them will admit it: they’ll take literally any behavior and appropriate it as a key element of bi culture. Lemon bars? Bi. Bad sitting posture? Bi. Cuffed jeans? Bi. Finger guns? You’re not a goofy sitcom character, you’re bi! Appropriating any innocuous behavior as part of your sexual identity’s culture? Bi!
I’ve got no problem with it. Anything for more good memes.
It’s not just bis. Gays do it to. I found out from Reddit gay subs that I should be a fast walker. Apparently gay people all walk fast. Not something I’ve ever noticed.
Nah, that’s the thing with mental disorders and other things: They’re usually just an imbalance of otherwise normal behaviors/moods/etc. Most people should be able to relate to most mental disorders.
They just shouldn’t do the, “lol I’m so OCD!” thing, because that trivializes how nasty the real disorders get. The people with the disorders don’t just have flashes of silly desires or emotions (usually), but rather a literally debilitating to normal daily life disorder that no one would want to deal with.
Yeah but it’s really funny to say “I’m so ocd” to the sorts of shit that got me diagnosed with it. “I’m so ocd my panic takes a spiral pattern” or “I’m so ocd I have to check if I locked my car door 3 times, not 2, not 4, maybe 6, but sometimes 9”
I always find this interesting because my story went something like this:
“ADHD are just people with normal impulses, but more frequent and less able to control them”
“I’m smart and able to multitask really well. Sure I fixate on things sometimes but everyone does. And of course I can have that espresso before bed. Caffeine doesn’t affect me.”
“Everyone creates patterns in their life to remember basic things. Counting steps in my daily routine, time boxing tasks with alarms, and giving myself lots of little rewards is just efficient time management. I wouldn’t call it a coping mechanism”
“Having kids is stressful and my patterns are broken, that’s normal right? I should talk to someone.”
“What do you mean I’m ‘ADHD as fuck’. You’re a doctor, that’s not appropriate language”
“This medication reduces a lot of my internal anxiety and let’s be be in control of my life. I had no idea normal people felt like this all the time”
So, please, tell us how neurodivergent traits all seem normal to you. And welcome to the club.
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