“The package says not to put the cup in the microwave and to boil the water separately then pour it into the cup, but what does the Internet have to say?”
Shed your shame of pornography, unless that’s your kink.
Almost everybody bates, and those who don’t for reasons of indignation, I’m not hating on the genuine asexuals or people with health issues that inhibit self-pleasure, are usually the pent up, “only one right way to live” A types I don’t enjoy the company of or have any respect for anyway.
It’s been how many generations? The puritans that came here to escape living among cool Europeans to self flagellate are beyond dust. Prudes suck. Make lust not greed.
Small tip: don't say "genuine asexuals" as if the ones that do masturbate aren't really asexuals. All asexuals are just as genuine and valid, don't gatekeep.
Fair, though I more meant the people who are effective asexuals because they were taught to be ashamed of sexuality in general and deny any sexual desire they have with vigorous effort to feel “pure.”
That’s a whole lot different than someone who just doesn’t really have those impulses. The former is an act and they have my pity because of how such people are usually raised/abused to be in a constant state of conflict and hatred of their own impulses, the latter is a completely valid identity.
I presume whoever made this meme doesn’t understand that incognito mode doesn’t actually protect you from tracking? It just deletes the history on the devices basically.
Which is one of the reasons I use it. If it’s not something I will want to pop up in my history later, then it goes in incognito. My history is only for things I plan to return to on a regular basis, not one time searches of random stuff.
I also use it for YouTube videos of things that I don’t want Google making recommendations on. For example, if trying to fix something and need to watch a video, I don’t want to have home improvement videos in my feed for the next 6 months.
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