There is always that one dude who walks into a bathroom, sees a row of 20 urinals with only one person using them, and goes to the one right next to him. That guy also has a tendency to turn his head to look at you and try to strike up a conversation.
My new favourite is people talking on the phone while letting off absolute bomb in public washroom stalls, some even on speaker phone.
My second are those that come in playing their music on phone speaker for all of us to hear their jams.
Not sure if this is better than those that do it on a nature trails but all groups should be forced to have music speaker phone battles while bears and wolves eat them all…
Nah I had a coworker who would get weird about it. We shared a small office space with a couple of other coworkers but this guy in particular would always say “no talking in the men’s room” if you tried to chat him up while washing/drying your hands. Always thought it was funny he cared that much
Men typically do not want to urinate right next to another. The proper format is every other urinal. Men want that extra space for their own shenanigans.
What are people’s thoughts about the children’s size urinal? Never use it if there’s another option? Only use it if the other option would place you adjacent to another person? What about if you have a choice between adult and child’s urinals next to each other, but using the child’s urinal would allow space for another person to optimally avoid neighboring persons?
I feel like this is a variant of the trolley problem that’s woefully unexplored.
Americans are funny about this. Sure you don’t go next to someone if there is space but you wouldn’t not use one.
I was talking a piss in a bar in America and cracked up a conversation with the guy next to me and realised he found it very unusual. I said (at the sinks) that doesn’t happen here much does it? He goes no does it happen back home? I was like yea sure if you’re drunk. Americans seem too worried if you’re gay but who doesn’t love a bit of straight guy on straight guy homoeroticism every now and then (not that pissing next to someone is).
Also trough is the best when there is a fuckload of people like at a stadium otherwise it takes for ever. The guys that use the cubical for a piss and hold everyone up are wankers. Though I once called a guy out on it at work and he said “I don’t know what it is! I just can’t pee around people! I’ve tried, it’s not like I’m embarrassed. I’ll show you my ddick if you want, I don’t care I just can’t pee next to someone.” I almost pissed over myself I was laughing so much.
I used to get piss shy at troughs, but I can tell you exactly why. 6 or 7 year old me was using one probably for the 1st time, and some cunt decided to say “quit looking at my dick kid!” I fuckin wasn’t, but when your head is at dick height, like maybe it would appear that way. I was focused on my own dick n trying to piss, and then couldn’t . Thanks to that fuck, for ~ the next 12 years of my life I was not able to squeeze a drop at a trough unless I had the corner, or ample space. Had a complex for years over it. Eventually, alcohol would solve that problem… If I’m drunk, I can piss fuckin anywhere. Now it doesn’t really bother me anymore, but fuck that guy. I’m, definitely glad troughs have mostly gone the way of the dodo because of said complex, but at times when I’m at sporting events, I wouldn’t mind if they still had them because men’s rooms never had lines before.
Bluntly, those are not the same picture. As a dude, I see a couple of important things right away. Most importantly, there’s dividers between the urinals in the second picture.
If there’s room, I’ll still leave a gap, but with no dividers, if there isn’t room to leave a gap, depending on the spacing of the urinals, I might just want to wait until there can be a gap. With dividers, I probably won’t. It’s still not ideal, but dividers make it much more palatable.
When there’s barriers and a line of guys are waiting cuz they’re obeying the gap rule, I love seeing their looks of confused frustration as I walk right up to one of the free urinals. Not my fault yall are fragile and insecure
This is a little random but I just gotta get it off my chest lmao.
The other day I walked into a small restroom at school and saw two there was one stall left open. I couldn’t see inside the stall, as it was parallel to the doorway I was standing in. Anyway, I walked over to the stall and nearly ran into the guy who was standing there peeing with the door open. Of course, the guy heard me approach and looked over his shoulder at me like I had two heads, and I retreated, embarrassed.
Anyway, if that guy is reading this, I’m sorry lol. Believe me, it won’t happen again. You’ve instilled a deep fear in me and I will forever approach bathroom stalls slowly and carefully, leaning forward just enough as I approach to see if anyone is lurking inside. It won’t happen again. It won’t.
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