Wouldn’t mind too much but the programme is set to 12:00pm by default and the clock to 12:00am. Caught me out the first few times I set it.
Surely it’s more likely someone is going to want coffee automatically brewed in the morning rather than the afternoon/ evening and that they’re setting it up in the afternoon/evening rather than the early hours of the morning?
Man just yesterday i found out that even imperial time system is retarded: Not like they count from 0 to 11 or 1 to 12, no its: 11 pm, 12 AM!, 1 am, … 11 am, 12 PM!, 1 pm, … 11 pm
After working in 24-7 transportation for over a decade, it’s honestly confusing when normal people schedule things for the afternoon. I always have to take a step back and ask myself if they really want to meet up at 0400. It’s just so much better to schedule using a 24-hour clock.
Pros have like all the alarms, all of them , planned to the minute, accounting for vacations, time zones and holidays (local and international) for years beforehand.
You just have shown the complete ignorance in your daily dwelling by not handling your time piece with the military your settings.
A decade and a half ago, I couldn’t even find a 24h alarm clock in Québec, Canada. I had to order one online. Even though I’d been using 24h time all my life. Thank you, anglophone neighbours.
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