I’ll just chalk that up to regional differences in naming. Like Soda vs Pop. I’ve never seen this in California. Where might I actually order “matchstick fries” or a “haystack?” :3
Freddy’s Steakburgers is a chain that serves matchstick style fries. Idk if they are in California, but they’ve popped up all over the Midwest. I hate them, but several of my friends swear by them. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
The only form of potato I’m not really fond of are tater tots. Which is weird, because I love hashbrowns; which are basically the same exact thing, but flat.
Thus kind of joke always reminds me a mathematics joke, for this instance we’re using potatoes.
Everything in the universe is either a potato or not a potato. The great majority, by far, is not a potato, but at the same time, the majority of things that are not potatoes, when examined very very close, or in really short time intervals, they behave as potatoes and you can use potato techniques on them.
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