AnUnusualRelic, +++ OUT OF CHEESE ERROR +++
Malgas, The Enterprise’s computer is Hex, confirmed:
++???++ Out of cheese error. Redo From Start
themoken, Came here for the Discworld reference, was not disappointed.
AOCapitulator, (edited ) for those in the know, what actually was that? not the prop, in the show I mean
American_Communist22, I think they had it off to the side, no?
Kolanaki, (edited ) Miles disagrees.
O’Brien: “Just listen to this sir. Computer, run a level 1 diagnostic on the plasma injectors.”
Computer: “The warp plasma injectors are operating at optimal efficiency.”
O’Brien: “You hear that?”
Sisko: “Hear, what, Chief?”
O’Brien: “The computer’s attitude changed. It’s not fighting me anymore. In fact, it seems down right pleasant.”
Sisko: “And that’s a problem?”
O’Brien: “YES!”
mercano, That’s how you avoid getting output like
++???++ Out of Cheese Error. Redo From Start.
Mouselemming, Gotta feed the mouse! And the anthill inside.
Mordachai_Shedbacon, Cheddar makes it bettar
SubArcticTundra, Nah fam Wensleydale
xusontha, I mean, it’d work for me…
teft, The computer is a woman and I learned this from the internet:
So this isn’t as insane as it looks.
FlyingSquid, Of course the computer is a woman. A woman who sounds surprisingly like Lwaxana Troi.
bingbong, Turns out the computer was in our heads this entire team thanks to the power of telepathy 🌈
WarmSoda, That could be a good skit. Someone not affected by the telepathy is confused when everyone else is talking to the imaginary computer and nothing happens.
alcoholicorn, Those other entries are all insane.
Like OK I can understand stealing a loose hair, kinda creepy but w/e, but her shoe? Is this some kind of gaslight where she thinks nobody would steal only one shoe, so it must be around somewhere, then a week later you can be like “Hey, I found this shoe, it looks alot like your old shoes? btw, why do you keep rubarb in your shoes?” and “What/who are you getting 9 units of fresh blood from?”
SkyeStarfall, I don’t think it’s meant to be serious. It’s probably a collection of old “wives’ takes” or something like that.
WarmSoda, Heh heh yeah it’s uh obviously not meant to be taken seriously…
Mouselemming, Drops of blood, not units
FlyingSquid, You know the problem with voice assistants today? They don’t say, “WORKING!” CLICKCLACKCLICKCLACKCLICKCLACKCLICKCLACK after you ask them something.
SubArcticTundra, I wish they did
driving_crooner, It’s an N64 ram expansion pack
agent_flounder, C64 cartridge
7of9, Vic20 cartridge
negativenull, Giving me a piece of cheese makes me work better…
averagedrunk, Works really well for me too.
ininewcrow, (edited ) I’m lactose intolerant so the cheese makes me work better … but no one wants to work with me
negativenull, :(
thebardingreen, The real treasure was the friends Peanut Hamper made along the way…
SidewaysHighways, It’s been a long road
stoy, Trying to forget this song
FlyingSquid, So… where did Porthos go to poop?
ummthatguy, (edited ) That’s Uncle Trip’s problem to solve.
GregorGizeh, “A poop question, sir?”
Pistcow, Confirmed servitor.
interolivary, … did they ever actually show the “CPU” of the ship’s computer? Maybe it was a bit squishier than we’ve assumed
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