Just once I’d like a post where everyone is chill and positive about stuff instead of focusing on negative
Edit: I dunno why I expect people to ever be capable of being positive anymore. Dunno why I bother.
Just once I’d like a post where everyone is chill and positive about stuff instead of focusing on negative
Edit: I dunno why I expect people to ever be capable of being positive anymore. Dunno why I bother.
ASeriesOfPoorChoices, Meh. TOS was so bad it got cancelled halfway through its third season. Didn’t even get to finish.
More seriously, with all the whining people do about DSC and whatever, it’s obvious they haven’t seen TAS or Enterprise. I mean, really. TAS was - except for Mudd and Tribbles - awful. But no, let’s focus on whining instead of all enjoying Lower Decks together.
Which makes me wonder how many people have actually seen the TNG episode LD is based on? 🤷
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go have a transporter accident.
ASeriesOfPoorChoices, PS. Repeated shitting in the transporter room is why Miles really left the Enterprise.
phoenixz, Don’t criticize the crappy thing. I love, praise it, please"
Yeah, Today is a good day to die…
Doug, Yesterday the thing you love was the crappy new thing and lots of vocal assholes hated it.
Today you can choose to be the vocal asshole or just enjoy the thing you enjoy, no false praise needed.
Tomorrow the crappy new thing will be fondly remembered and the vocal assholes of today will seem foolish and, in part, pretend they never hated today’s thing.
This is true across various properties. The fact that you think “we don’t want to hear your constant whining” equates to “you have to praise the thing I like even if you don’t like it” really says something.
hardcoreufo, I just could not handle the “spore drive” in discovery. SNW is great though!
slackassassin, (edited ) Ya, that is understandable. It’s a hard sell even if the show has more to offer.
Kucifus, Hard disagree, new star trek has had years to “settle in” and has shown almost no signs of improving on the things that make it poor quality - namely low effort pandering writing and a lack of respect for its audience. Alex Kurtzman and the executives are the problem, and they’re not going anywhere soon.
lgmjon64, I miss how campy it used to be. I feel they finally nailed it with Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds, but Disco and Picard were rough. Picard S3 was a little more tolerable though.
Kucifus, I did enjoy Picard S3, but that notably didn’t involve Kurtzman.
USSBurritoTruck, It 100% did involve Kurtzman. People out here just making up whatever nonsense fits their narrative. Clown shit.
Corgana, (edited ) Camp is an intentionally over-the-top stylistic choice, it’s a specific well defined style. It doesn’t just mean “silly” or “cheesy”. Star Trek isn’t camp.
Sorry to be that guy but it’s one of my pet peeves.
slackassassin, (edited ) Plenty of Trek camp was/is very much self-aware and intentional.
Corgana, [citation needed]
slackassassin, SNW S1e8 and trouble with tribbles. Just off the top of my head.
slackassassin, Also, many holodeck eps and the ones where everyone is horny.
Stamets, All the exact same arguments that were made against TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT.
But way to look at the description of my post and say “Nah, positivity? Fuck that.”
Thanks for that.
Kucifus, (edited ) You can reasonably disagree with a critical response to a TV show without it being a personal attack on your positivity or that of your post. What are you looking for here? An echo chamber makes for a boring discussion board.
I think it’s fair enough to expect writers to understand and respect the media they’re working with, and I’d argue that the writing in all those previous shows was leagues more intelligent and considered than the stuff on Kurtzman shows. I get very frustrated at how what was a show about professional and considered officers dealing with clever sci fi scenarios is turned into an action slog “fuck yeah science” show. It’s not smart or interesting like that.
EDIT: noticed your post above about the difficulties you’re going through. We can disagree about a telly show and still respect each other, I don’t think discussion spaces like this might be healthy if you’re struggling with positivity. It’s totally okay to like the new trek shows and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be positive.
MudMan, Here's a controversial thought: The worst Trek is at the absolute worst kinda decent, and it only goes up from there.
My Trek power rankings don't line up with most (Discovery is pretty great, DS9 is kind of annoying, all the Kelvin Treks are fun and the first one is pretty great), but even the parts I don't like I can watch and be chill about it.
Picard is bordering that line, honestly, but I can't be actively mad at Patrick Stewart and I actually would have watched a cheaper, longer show about the La Sirena crew without the TNG baggage.
MudMan, Oh, bless you.
Being old enough to have Voyager and especially DS9 be my "nuTrek" and also never having let it go I can feel your nerdrage as a warm, fuzzy winter fire.
Can I interest you in how DS9's focus on greed, war and moral compromise is a betrayal of the concepts behind Star Trek and if they wanted to make Babylon 5 they should have just made Babylon 5?
Kucifus, I’m old enough for that too. I saw and enjoyed both DS9 and Babylon 5 when they came out! There are definitely issues with DS9, but it never treated the audience as stupid or took its material anything other than seriously. It was ambitious and very well written, especially the Cardassian characters.
I get particularly frustrated at the “teen humour” focus of the new stuff, it’s just not written with me in mind and that’s fair enough but I don’t think we should be comparing it to the old stuff and arguing it’s the same level of quality because that’s not accurate.
MudMan, I like that you like DS9. Good for you. It's there for you and that's fine.
But it's a weird show that is a fundamental contestation to what makes Star Trek appealing and pretends it isn't.
It's fine. All of Trek is fine. But if you ask me if I'd rather watch Discovery, I'd watch Discovery any day. Which, again, is fine, because both of those exist and are at the very least decent.
I'm not sure how much "teen humor" there is in modern Trek, though. I mean, there's Lower Decks, but that's the point of Lower Decks and I kinda warmed up to it over time. Ditto for Prodigy.
If anything Picard was overly self-serious, and one could argue the same of Discovery, at least during the first season. I kinda see it in SNW, and I do think Season 2 tries to do too much too soon, but whatever, that show has a specific niche and that's where it lives.
Man, can I just stop to say that I just rattled off five different Star Trek shows, all of them different and all of them at least decent? What a time to be into this particular series.
aeronmelon, Stamets: “Say something positive about Discovery!”
Anson Mount as Pike. Which was such a good idea it spawned an actually decent show.
“Say something positive about Picard!”
It’s over.
Stamets, Not asking anyone to say anything positive about anything. I’m just asking people to be positive. Something that a lot of people seem to be utterly incapable of.
TheRealLinga, Today is a beautiful day and I’m happy to have a Trek (discovery) that has hooked my kids the way TNG and DS9 hooked me!
GreenMario, Picard Season 3 is dope.
nzeayn, I fuckin love Discovery and none of ya can shame me for that. All this new era of trek fun as hell and im here for it. The abrams movies got my kid into trek because you know what, they are fun!
I pulled away from the trek fandom back in the Voyager days. Because I love that damn show. And I got tired of hearing how much better it would be if Janeway smiled more. I love the TNG era but it had some problems. The Yar arc happend people.
Trek is trek and it’s all fantastic. Folks who can’t be happy to enjoy all the new trek we’ve gotten are welcome to go back to grumply watching that original star wars trilogy shit. I’ll be over here with the capacity for joy rewatching all of trek now.
Kucifus, Respect.It’s not for me, but I appreciate that other people can enjoy it, no shame in liking a thing, and no shame in not liking it either. People are allowed to have opinions.
agent_flounder, I’m right there with ya. Discovery won me over big-time. I am going to start season 3 in a bit.
I am re-watching Voyager at the same time. Kind of drifted from Trek around Voyager season 4 for reasons (nothing to do with trek itself). Yeah Voyager is a hell of a show. Lots of great episodes. It’s great to see all the ones I missed and can’t wait to see how they get back (no spoilers!!)
I’ve now picked up DS9 again where I left off a couple years ago. Season 5. Looking forward to finding out what I missed back in the day.
I’m back to Trek because of SNW. Seriously that show reminded me why I love Star Trek so much. I will likely rewatch it soon.
nzeayn, Been hearing great things about SNW. I’ve kept that and Picard S3 back for now so I can do the whole trek run in the background while I dive into a new project at work. I’m almost done with S1 of TNG, gonna run that through Picard. Then jump back to ENT and catch up to SNW before jumping into late DSC. All 625hrs.
Enjoy your DS9 and VOY rewatches those are fun!
lugal, TOS never reached the high level of The Cage
aeronmelon, Gene Roddenberry made The Cage and it’s all just been going downhill since. :P
lugal, Captain and first officer are both male? That has nothing to do with Gene’s vision of a brighter future. But nutrek has this patriarchal agenda all over. I wish they would keep their politics out of my star trek.
ininewcrow, Don’t forget old was once new Trek and people didn’t like it back then.
I’ve met people who watched The Original Series as teenagers in the 60s, loved it and never wanted to watch anything else again and say they will never watch any of the new stuff.
Personally I love it all … warts and all.
There is just so much now and it’s not easy to find the time to see it all.
My dream now is to see all of DS9 from beginning to end. I’ve only ever seen a handful of episodes in random order never from beginning to end.
Shialac, DS9 is my absolute Favorite Star Trek Show
Blackout, I didn't understand or care for it when it first came out but now it is one of my favorites. I love the characters, Kai Winn warts and all :-)
ParsnipWitch, (edited ) So true! I still remember when people heavily disliked DS9. I was a huge fan, but dare me saying it was perhaps my favourite Star Trek. Today there are more people open about liking DS9. (✿´꒳`)ノ
frezik, (edited ) I’ve had this theory running around in my head about followups to any series. Every person has a slightly different take on what their favorite part of the show is. For OG Star Trek, maybe you liked the banter between Spock and McCoy. Maybe you liked Kirk’s swagger. Maybe you thought Scotty was hot.
If a new production comes along years later and doesn’t reproduce the specific elements you like, then you will hate it. The producers might have been ultrafans of the original with good writing chops, a solid cast, and high production values, but if it doesn’t have those specific elements for you, then you’ll hate it.
Those elements are different for everyone, though. The list of possible elements can be very long, and no new production can possibly check off even a significant fraction of that list. Therefore, any new production is bound to have a long line of haters regardless of its quality on its own merits.
Was Star Trek supposed to be about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy on a ship strutting around the galaxy? TNG changed that. Is it at least supposed to be about strutting around the galaxy? DS9 changed that. Should it at least be about interacting with the alien races we know? Voyager changed that. And so on.
JMS made a Star Trek pitch back in 2004. I like Babylon 5, but I don’t think I would have liked his version of Star Trek. The outline focused on elements I didn’t care about and just seemed meh to me in general.
This goes for any other long running series, of course.
krolden, Enjoy your lens flares and way too dark ship corridors
FakinUpCountryDegen, It’s true tho - all of society became total narcissistic sociopaths inside of the last 10 years or so. Wild shit how bad people are.
7of9, I have enjoyed all of the recent Trek I’ve seen (Kelvin and Picard S1/S2 very much included). I’m really looking forward to watching Discovery when I can.
Media that has a different style is most enjoyable, I do not want to see the same style all the time, and seeing a different angle can be a breath of fresh air even if it is not to my taste.
slackassassin, Telling people to “cope” has never felt very chill or positive. I dunno. But, I’m super grateful for new trek, especially lower decks and snw!
Infynis, I’ve reached season three of Discovery, in my effort to give it a second chance, and I’m liking it a lot more. I’ve heard the third season of Picard was good too, but I’ve not made it that far yet.
They both just took the TNG approach of not really hitting their stride until the third season. Stamets’ meme is on point, as usual.
I am looking forward to what they do to sell me on this new Ezri Dax meets Wesley and Beverly Crusher character. I hope they learn from Beverly’s ghost-related mistakes lol
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