littlebluespark, They’re comin’ for you, Firefly/Serenity 🥹😭
CallumWells, They’re the same picture…
obinice, Time is the fire in which we burn.
I think about that a lot.
TheOakTree, TNG turns 40 in a few years, as well.
Pipoca, (edited ) DS9 ran till '99, though.
The first seasons were 30 years ago, but the ending is only about 25 years ago.
BSG, though, finished in 1979. If someone says “thirty years ago” and your first thought is the 70s, you might be old. BSG ended 45 years ago. It’s 20 years older than the finale of DS9.
Edit: if someone asks you “who was president 30 years ago”, do you instantly think of Jimmy Carter? Because BSG came out basically in the middle of his presidency. If your first thought was Bush or Reagan, you associate the Sci Fi of 30 years ago with reruns of BSG.
ComradeChairmanKGB, Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me
shiveyarbles, Did Odo go the way of the dodo?
Taleya, Just ran a B5 marathon and ooooof
PrinceWith999Enemies, Now do Space 1999.
Taleya, After my Blakes 7. Avon’s just about to go off the rails.
don, I’ve been personally attacked.
CaptObvious, ROFLMAO! Omigods! I feel this so much!
themeatbridge, That wasn’t cool, man.
MrJameGumb, I can’t be the only person who watched The Head back in 94 lol
Dud, I shouldn’t have, I was only 7 or 8 at the time but man that show was a trip.
MrJameGumb, I was about 13 when it came on MTV and it was my favorite show lol
Catoblepas, First off, how dare you. 😡
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