Just one more digit bro, imagine how many things youd discover bro, just one more, one more and it will be so much safer bro, It would help all mission just use 16digits bro
Now, a larger-than-necessary hidden layer may increase computational demands and the likelihood of overfitting. These are not concerns for our purposes, however, as we have no time constraints and it is highly improbable that a realistic model of Barry can be over-trained (Consolidated Report Cards: 1986-1998).
Thank you for sharing this, I love everything about it.
Per Wolfram Alpha, sulfur is 4.62 times heavier; the earth is 0.002% lithium, so it would experience a net gain of 3.62 * mass of earth * 0.00002, or 4.3e20kg. That’s 7.24e-5 times heavier, so not much in the grand scheme of things.
Note that I’m neither a chemist, a physicist, or an astronomer, so I make no guarantee that I did this right.
The more PhDs I know and the closer I am to grad school, the more it feels like getting a PhD is about being stubborn than it is about being smarter than everyone in the room.
In my experience it’s being stubborn or possessing a robust resiliency to mental health damage. Being smart, or better yet from a family that is wealthy enough to support you just makes everything a fair bit easier.
Also, making friends with your advisors doesn’t hurt either.
At my last job I was bored so I wrote sql server functions to perform standard math operations on varchar(max) and used them to build factorial tables which I then used to iteratively calculate pi. I think I got up to around 100 digits before I got yelled at for bogging down the server and had to stop.
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