With modern tech and ingenuity yes … much much faster.
But a naked human … fastest recorded running speed is 44.7 kph (27.7 mph) … but in flight, or free fall can reach a stabilized controlled terminal velocity of 193 kph (120 mph) and a maximum controlled streamlined terminal velocity of 500 kph (310 mph)
They will too! My neighborhood murder is enormous, and they keep the airspace clear of bald eagles. If an eagle ever dares enter our neighborhood, the crows flock out of the trees by the hundreds and chase that motherfucker off, cawing all the way. When they’re done, they all return to the trees and caw for a good half hour afterwards. My guess is they’re talking about how bad ass they are.
The real trick is that these Falcons exceed their terminal velocity in those dives. So not just falling but falling with added power and a hell of a lot of style!
Have you seen supercritical water and/or helium? The “surface” of Jupiter is probably supercritical hydrogen. I don’t know if there’s a sharp cutoff like Earth’s oceans or a gradual thickening, but it’s still only half the density of water. It’s possible to build a boat for that!
However, the pressure would be around half a million bar, or 500 times the pressure of the deepest part of the ocean. This is also 5× the pressure used to make synthetic diamods too, and probably about the same temperature too. If the boat had any grease left outside, it would be diamond grease at this point.
If you went further down to where the density increases to about the same as water at sea level, the pressure would quadruple to nearly the same as Earth’s core, and the temperature would be about the same too. At this pressure, there’s probably another indistinct boundary of metallic hydrogen, and if the boat has survived the ultra-high-pressure hydrogen embrittlement, the steel-liquifying temperatures, and diamond rain, this metallic hydrogen will almost certainly reduce it to a lump of novel metal hydrides.
In that case Felix Baumgartner is the fastest human being.
With a top speed of 843.6 mike’s per hour.
Ussain Bolt and suck it.
Edit: if the autocorrect mistake is funny, just leave tit as tit is.
One of the craziest interactions I have seen was when a Peregrine Falcon attacked a Canada Goose in flight. We were watching the goose fly up canyon and the peregrine must have thought it was too close to its nest or something. Only time I've heard a goose make a sound like that!!
I hate that. In France we have Question Pour Un Champion (questions for a winner) where the host gives a definition and ends with “I am…” and the contestant would say “a cheetah”
To be faaaair, the cheetah reaches 100+ km/h on it’s own merits, the dumb falcon just falls really fast
If you drop a whale from space it will probably beat that speed record while falling, the falcon doesn’t get extra credit just because he can get up there and survive without help
I had a pretty cool encounter with one about 6-7 years ago, I was on a driving holiday and we were cruising throught the Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park doing about 90-100km and one of these guys just casually comes up to my window, so close I could have grabbed it. It must have picked some drag effect off the van like a wake in the air or something and it was just gliding next to us with the occasional flap for a good 5 minutes until there was an incoming car and it ducked out
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