We’re talking about data storage, not software. There are real every day costs, maintenance, replacement, power, etc… that are involved in reliably storing data.
I share the sentiment that you should be able to buy software.
Paying for data storage in a single lifetime payment is like buying one square foot of storage space in someone’s apartment for a flat fee and expecting it to actually be there forever.
I think you can keep doing the SMB shares and use an overlay filesystem on top of those to basically stack them on top of each other, so that server1/dir1/file1.txt and server2/dir1/file2.txt and server3/dir1/file3.txt all show up in the same folder. I’m not sure how happy that is when one of the servers just isn’t there though.
Other than that you probably need some kind of fancy FUSE application to fake a filesystem that works the way you want. Maybe some kind of FUES-over-Git-Annex system exists that could do it already?
I wouldn’t really recommend IPFS for this. It’s tough to get it to actually fetch the blocks promptly for files unless you manually convince it to connect to the machine that has them. It doesn’t really solve the shared-drive problem as far as I know (you’d have like several IPNS paths to juggle for the different libraries, and you’d have to have a way to update them when new files were added). Also it won’t do any encryption or privacy: anyone who has seen the same file that you have, and has the IPFS hash of it, will be able to convince you to distribute the file to them (whether you have a license to do so or not).
Seems to me the easiest solution would be each host a replica. Now that you can get 8TB for something like a hundred bucks this would be both faster and more redundant if one would fail
I use Backblaze B2 for my backups. Storing about 2tb, comes out to about $10/mo, which is on par with Google One pricing. However, I get the benefit of controlling my data, and I use it for tons more than just photos (movies/shows etc).
If you want a cheaper solution and have somewhere else you can store off-site (e.g. family/friend’s house), you can probably use a raspberry pi to make a super cheap backup solution.
I use backblaze on my synology. I backup photos automatically to it with their built in app on my phone, then every night I run encryped backups. I also could setup an encrypted backup to go to my parent’s synology.
My backup is about 900gb and costs <$5/mo. That is my music, pictures, movies, and TV shows. Obviously that will increase, but well worth the nominal coat to have that much backup encrypted and in the cloud.
I do. And since I’ve been slowly taking back control over all my online stuff as much as I can, I’m very happy with it. It gives me peace of mind it’s secure and I am super unlikely to just lose it.
There is power/reset and power/hdd LEDs as well as a USB 3 header for mouse and keyboard and flash/disc emulation. That way you can mount an image and boot from that if you want. Super handy for re-installs or troubleshooting tools.
Edit: whoops, just realized you said freezing not crashing, and probably have a separate issue. I’ll leave this here in case it helps anyone that finds this thread with crashes a couple minutes into videos.
Had this issue ages ago, then my dad did too a year later on a different client version. Manually changing the “preferred media player” option fixed it on my firestick 4k, 4k Max, and my dads standard firestick.
Jellyfin app>settings menu>Playback>Video section>preferred media player>libVLC (in my case, Exoplayer seemed to be causing the crashes approx 2 years ago but you can try both, I just tried exoplayer again and it doesn’t seem to be crashing either when set manually now so it may have been patched)
Damn FOSS Android Auto development is starting the new year off strong! First grapheneOS successfully implementing it on a non-stock OS and now this too. Too bad I got rid of my vehicles last year and no longer have a use for it on my ebike.
I have my Immich library backed up to Backblaze B2 via Duplicacy. That job runs nightly. I also have a secondary sync to Nextcloud running on another server. That said, I need another off prem backup and will likely run a monthly job to my parents house either via manually copying to an external disk then taking it over or setting up a Pi or other low power server and a VPN to do it remotely.
For me the answer is that I need off site backup anyway for stuff like important digital documents, passwords and more. For me a dedicated storage provider I trust far more than Google/Apple/Microsoft which all have a financial interest in understanding me and my patterns to better sell additional services too me. So I use Dropbox but if you’re more technically inclined and have a lot of data then something akin to say Wasabi could make financial sense.
I backup to a external hard disk that I keep in a fireproof and water resistant safe at home. Each service has its own LVM volume which I snapshot and then backup the snapshots with borg, all into one repository. The backup is triggered by a udev rule so it happens automatically when I plug the drive in; the backup script uses ntfy.sh (running locally) to let me know when it is finished so I can put the drive back in the safe. I can share the script later, if anyone is interested.
Fireproof safes don’t protect against heat except what’s high enough to combust paper. Temps will still probably be high enough to destroy a drive with a regular fireproof safe.
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