I use Plex instead of jellyfin, but there’s the ability to just add a friends library and it pulls in without mounting anything. I thought Jellydin had that as well?
plex uses a centralized service for this kinda of nonsense. most of us are using standalone server products.
this use case calls for either centralized storage (s3 bucket) or access mechanism(all them vpns) to distributed channels (ala plex)... but friends dont let friends use plex.
im curious about ipfs as distributed file systems sound like a new kink i should have
I would love to get rid of Plex, but jellyfin failed the spouse test last summer and it never really liked my GDrive mount
Plus, Plex clients are everywhere, so it’s all but guaranteed that whoever I decide to onboard is going to have something compatible. I’ve even had early smart TV’s from like 2013 with that weird Yahoo app store thing that had a Plex app that still worked even when the Netflix app didn’t lolol
Funnily enough, my wife is the only person who likes jellyfin. It works perfectly for her. Everyone else? I’ve never had it work even once. And I have no damn idea why.
You have to pay for Plex to access features you just have on Jellyfin. Like being able to stream to a mobile device.
I don’t know how so many people seem to have issues with it when its always been as easy as installing it directly on my computer and booting up the web interface, or now running it in Docker with a simple compose file.
There are alternatives for most features people think are missing. There are several apps that work on mobile if you want to stream music and alternate clients for video playback as well.
Jellyfin is nice but has a long way to go to replicate the features of Plex [like PlexAmp and Sonic Analysis] and features that are “Plex adjacent” [like Tautulli].
A dedicated music app?
Music filtering/smart playlists? Sonic analysis?
Good 4k/x265 performance?
Has a third party (or built in) utility that shows me streaming usage per person?
Allows me to limit remote users to streaming from a single IP address at a time?
Let’s me watch something together with another remote user?
Has an app for most any device (like Plex or Emby) that does NOT require sideloading?
Has built in native DVR steaming/recording support?
Two factor authentication?
I’m surprised the client doesn’t support switching between servers. When I had jellyfin running I exposed it through traefik to allow external playback. Figure it would make sense that you could just show multiple servers in the UI. Add several reverse proxied addresses and boom.
Would’ve loved to gotten one of those. But the power consumption of a Xeon is a bit higher than I’d like. This was a nice to have, not need to. It was a Christmas gift from my wife 🥰
I’m using a workstation board in my server. Asus Pro WS W680M-ACE SE along with a Core i5-13500. Intel support ECC for consumer CPUs but only when using workstation motherboards :/. The IPMI on this board works well though.
Don’t have some Intel CPUs Intel vPro making you also able to control the PC in a LVM manner?
I havent tried it yet but my (so far) research suggests its possible and it would be a useful feature for those repurposing old workstation pcs as servers.
I think some other CPU/MBs also have this feature.
But I would giess they are only implemented in business scopes like the Pro/EliteDesk line from HP and the other SIs equivalent.
I was having freezing and stuttering issues with the Jellyfin app on androidTV. Eventually I just switched to Plex and Emby and I’ve never had an issue.
Hello and thank you all for your appreciation! For anyone who asks, there is a buymeacoffee page for donations. It’s really a pleasure to see my work recognized, especially when I’ve been practically stuck on Android Auto support for months… For the future, the plans are to fix some bugs already reported to me, add support for the OpenSubsonic API, and clean up the interface (giving the user the ability to show or hide elements as they wish). Fewer server calls should lighten up and speed up the app.
So it’s a computer that lets you remotely control another computer? Is the advantage over SSH or remote desktop etc that you can interact with stuff outside the OS, like in BIOS?
That’s basically it. It guarantees you can always access your computer remotely, even if you broke your ssh, or accidentally messed up your network config, or can’t boot due to filesystem corruption and need to run fsck from recovery mode.
Exactly, it isn’t a replacement. It is redundancy in the form of a screen with keyboard and mouse directly connected, but accessibly from remote (my couch). It is far from my primary interface with the server.
Yes. This is home-made out-of-band management, like HP’s iLO, Dell’s iDRAC, or generic IPMI. Not only is it a virtual KVM (keyboard/video/mouse), you can pass the host’s power button through this device so you can remotely power on or reset a hung or powered-off system, or mount and boot from a virtual floppy or ISO to completely reinstall the remote system.
It’s a KVM in the same sense but instead of switching it provides the functionality over a web interface so that I can manage my server from my workstation or laptop instead of crawling in the space beneath the stairs where my server is if something goes wrong. Compare with IPMI.
Bitrate varies, some files work, some don’t. Even in one season of a show episode 1 streams perfectly fine, episode 2 freezes every 2 mins.
Bitrate of a file is around 8Mbps, local bandwidth is 1Gbps.
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