“Oh my! Some kind of green gas is coming out of the shell, and it’s like kryptonite on Superman!”
But mostly, I am such a massive fan (MASSIVE FAN) of their music. Their mixing is sublime, and their music sounds like what I’ve tried producing my whole life. I’m old, I saw Daft Punk in 97 on a small stage, Prodigy were my last Laser Masters, but Auralnauts fill that void now. There is not a single tune of theirs that don’t get me beatboxing and start dancing… :) <3
People complain about Rise of Skywalker, quite rightly, but only half of that is the studios fault. The other half falls squarely on the fans for responding with such intense burning hatred, and no positivity, to everything that came before that the studio had no idea what the fuck to do. They messed up catastrophically, and didn’t always make good decisions, but the fans are equally responsible for being so insanely hateful and toxic.
i hate the parts of star wars disney ruined. there’s a clear difference for me. pre- and post-disney star wars are completely different in terms of cohesiveness, even if the original lore was flimsy.
Some people take it way too seriously and end up alienating potential audiences.
Just look at Rick and morty. It’s a decent comedy if you’re into crass humor. I’ll admit I have seen most seasons. But you’ll never see me wearing merch because I simply don’t want to be associated with the crowd who scream at fast food employees over meme sauce. I happily wear my live long and prosper shirt or the Mando shorts my wife bought me though.
Some fandoms just take a little more digging to find the super shitty people.
same with MHA. liked the show, but the fandom is on another level of cringe. i do recommend it to people, but i won’t make it obvious that i really like it and have also read the manga.
What I think is ironic is that Star wars also has the silliest lore (which I like, I think it allows it to be more fun and creative), so when the fandom fights about it it’s over totally ridiculous stuff.
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