Is this a line from Letterkenny? Because it sounds like a line from Letterkenny. They’d all end up doing really bad Australian accents.
Dan - I understands shes actins like shes fightin’ fer her lives, but I still thinks Meryls ates more scenery than any dingos could.
Katy - Meryl is beloved BECAUSE she’s like a dingo. You don’t get to be that beloved as a woman of age in Hollywood without eating the occasional metaphorical baby.
Dary - I just think she could have gone about it a little better. It’s like “did a dingo eat your manners?”.
Wayne - Come on now, a lady lost her kid. You’re about to cross some fuckin’ lines.
Funny enough dingos are descendants of domestic dogs, which is itself a touch weird, but also the heelers (aka Australian cattle dogs) are descendants of them. My boy is a heeler/lab mix which I think is maximum silly.
There’s a movie with Sam Neil about this story. We had to watch it in high school, before the Seinfeld episode came out, and we all just about died with the mom yelling about the dingo eating her baby. it wasn’t supposed to be funny but it absolutely was.
Yes. This is actually how humans work. We are not only social animals, but eusocial - similar to bees and ants. We are unique among primates in that regard, and one of only a few species of mammals that gets that designation (the other two being mole rats).
Not only were they a superpredator that preyed on apex predators, not only were they present in great numbers, but terrifyingly-enough, humans also worked together.
Its just meant to be absurd, I notice a lot of Lemmings digging for a deeper meaning that isn’t there. If that image+caption doesn’t make you grin immediately Farside may just not be your thing.
Yes, it absolutely is digging. This comic was released way before COVID-19 was a thing. The most recent pandemic was probably Spanish Flu, which was before his time.
The date is when they’re posted on, not the original publish date. They post 5 on weekdays and 2 on weekend days and that’s what I post.
there is a song called here we go round the mulberry bush
in a different song, a weasel goes pop
neither song has a monkey
Did Larsson get his songs mixed up? Did he learn different versions from me? Is this from the nursery song cinematic universe and the monkey is from a third song? What’s going on here?
There is a version of the jack-in-the-box song that starts with “all around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel” and ends with “pop goes the weasel”. That’s the version I heard growing up
In a previous era of bomber aircraft there were positions throughout the plane that were manned machine gunners. One such weapon position in the very front, or nose, of the aircraft was referred to as the nose gun. It’s a pun.
A skunk smells less bad than some stuff you find in the human body during a surgery… The team usually has some very strongly smelling peppermint oil they can put in their masks when operating on something like that.
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