California Lawmakers Unanimously Pass Right to Repair Legislation
- The California state assembly has unanimously passed a bill that would require electronics manufacturers to sell repair tools and parts to consumers and to make repair guides available to the general public.
- The bill, known as the “Right to Repair” bill, previously passed the state Senate and now has the support of Apple, a longtime opponent of the legislation.
- If the bill is signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom, it would be a victory not just for Californians but for consumers everywhere.
- California would become the third state to pass right to repair legislation for consumer electronics, after New York and Minnesota passed laws earlier this year.
- The bill is seen as a victory for consumers and environmentalists, who argue that it will allow people to repair their own devices and reduce electronic waste.
Additional Details
- The bill was supported by a coalition of consumer groups, environmentalists, and small business owners.
- The bill’s supporters argued that it would be better for the environments and save them money on repairs.
- Apple supported bills after having spent millions of dollars against it.

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