It's Open Source! (
Not discrediting Open Source Software, but nothing is 100% safe.

Not discrediting Open Source Software, but nothing is 100% safe.
I’m trying to repair an arcade PCB with intermittent audio. The board on top is the audio board, the bottom board is the everything else....
Super easy to use and setup - I currently use it to share between my android phone and my linux laptop
Yes, I’m the one in the group DM that turns the bubbles green, I’m sorry....
That way, if you damage anything, you have video proof that you left it in good condition.
I really enjoyed this light show.
I keep posting the blogs I get from the email list. I’m still trying to make sure I don’t double post or spam the /c/. If I’m doing anything wrong/incorrect, please let me know.
Just had my old dumb LG TV die after 9 years of working just dandy. I lack the desire to root around for a dead capacitor so I am currently in the market for an approximate replacement to act as the display for my Linux media center in my living room. I figure this is the right crowd for finding a non-invasive TV so my Linux...
I’m trying to replace the jet engine fan inside the PSU of a Nu 1.1 with a Noctua equivalent and am having trouble identifying the connector. The PSU is a Delta Electronics Model EDPS-250AB A, Part Number 400-5494-91....
As I get older into adulthood I feel like more and more things require my attention. Trying to juggle work, family, home maintenance etc I’m constantly busy. I can almost never find time to rest because there is always something that has to be done. How do you find time to rest and cope with the stress but also get the things...
For me, it’s sticking my hand out of the window of a moving car. Whether I’m driving or not, I love having the windows down and waving my hand in the wind. I’ve loved it since I was a child and I’ll never stop doing it!
I know there’s donations and the owners can use their own money, but there’s a limit. I doubt a platform with hundreds of thousands of daily users can survive with only donations.
I still use Font Renamer to manage my font collection. It works great but hasn’t received an update since 2008. Even the website looks straight out of the Windows XP era.
It seems like for at least a decade every application/framework has had their own paste buffer, and honestly I’m surprised this isn’t “just working” out of the box by now....