This is why i dont have any interest in glass side panels.
I dont even like clear side panels, but if i have it i’ll take acrylic… sure, it supposedly scratches easier, but wtf are you doing to get it scratched in the first place? probably the same kinda stuff that breaks tempered glass, lol.
Bethesda have been on a downward spiral of main quest quality since Oblivion (possibly morrowind, never played it to say for sure).
Fallout 3 is just utterly forgettable as a game, both from a story perspective and a sandbox perspective.
Skyrim and Fallout 4s main quests are absolute garbage, and would ruin the games completely if they were not just big beautiful sandboxes to play in, with ripe and fertile ground for brilliant modding to take place in.
also I thought your name was CryptidBestiality at a glance, lol.
I’d wager the war goes from internal, to internal civil war, if Putin dies, as various power blocks try either secure their own positions/power, or reach for more.
assuming they didnt try to blame the west, which then things get far more worse for NATO states, and possibly hot
Used to be so many stores that sold parts for self repair. Most of them have disappeared (at least around me), and the few that remain are either a ridiculous drive away, or ridiculously expensive. Like, sure, I could drive 3 hours to your store, buy the part I need for 70 bucks, and drive 3 hours back home.
Or I can go online and order the part and have it in a day or two for less than quarter of the price.
The whole point of provoking these attacks via their violent oppression is so they can retaliate against Palestine, kill masses of innocents, and build new settlements on Palestinian land when the dust clears.
The best thing that I’ve seen from the anti-trans movement in womens sports, is the number of cis women who end up falling more afoul of the rules due to their genetic predisposition to have a higher than average level of testosterone for women with regards to anti-trans rules that almost always revolve around bodily testosterone levels.
Anti-trans rules will hurt women in womens sports far more than it will hurt trans women (as far as numbers go, to be clear), and no one wants to think or talk about that.
Trans women in sports are not dominating any field. All the outrage you see from it is like that Marathon from a year or 2 ago where a woman got pissed off for losing to a trans woman who finished infront of her, both of them in the high thousands of placement, not like 1st and 2nd place… Both were beaten by thousands of other women, but that woman had a hissy fit because one of the women was trans.
Being able to walk into a store and drop 50 dollars on something on rare occasion without having to have a panic attack and spend the day before doing in depth financial analysis and math, I cant imagine how much healthier my life would be without that stress.