Dude, I’m from Wyoming. We have the second highest per capita gun ownership in the nation. I’m just unwilling to blind myself to very real, very tangible, very quantifiable situations in the United States.
Also, last I checked, this is shitposting. But Red Hatters gon’ Red Hat.
This is horsecaca. As a pansexual male, I prefer a Dutch oven. (startrek.website)
Oreos set to replace communion wafers. (startrek.website)
I hated the Colonel, with his wee beady eyes! (startrek.website)
“Oh! You’re going to buy my chicken!”
Let's not mention that His dad was looking at your dick. (startrek.website)
RuPaul reportedly spotted in the south... (startrek.website)
Jeezy Creezy like a heezy reezy (startrek.website)
So evidently they were able to stay awake all three days until He rose from the dead…
Damn freeloaders takin' all the jobs! (startrek.website)
If only there was a GOOD fish with a gun to save them! (startrek.website)