For me I decided young that I needed a career that would take me places so I could have life experiences and maybe get a few bucks.
I applied to everything everywhere while I was working and always thought “it may suck, but at least it will be different.”
There are better systems, but IMO I was never able to find or capitalize on them so i needed to focus on what my current goals were keeping in the back of my mind that this is a marathon, not a sprint.
Be aware that your peers that do amazing work and get promotions, get that easy job or just get a lucky break only affect your life negatively if you let it.
Positive “coping mechanisms” help when dealing with stress (exercise routine, yoga, whateverworks for you), when negative coping mechanisms hurt.
I’ve been lucky enough to live and work in some amazing places, and 35 years later we have finally found a place we want to “settle”.
Thaw it…first off. Put it in a large tub in a sink, then fill with cold water, let the water run over it and drain (you want a continuous flow over the meat) until it is thawed. If you want to speed up the process when it has been in for a couple hours see if you can hack it in half (cautiously). Regardless, this should take at least 6hrs. Cut into small chunks, and place on hith in the slow cooker with some stock/seasoning. 4-6hrs should be ready.
When allocating food cost (in your costs) 36% is around where you want it-30% would be more ideal, but you can get that through sales, bulk discount etc. So, regardless of volume food cost % is basically where it should be.
Some numbers in spain: slice cheese .19/slice bread .08/ slice (.16) Margarine (because: costs!) .04/10g .39
To get closer to a feasible food cost you’d have to sell at 1.25
Chef (35 years in the industry) moved family out of the US in 2019, opened a restaurant 4 months before covid, run it with my wife…still here & have a great vibe.
Hike (not too much now, gimpy tendon & old) Bike (shifted down feom road to mountain/trail) Beach (every day in the summer) Travel (so far we have been sticking with exploring more of our adopted country) Eating