

Yes, I’m screaming all that. Capslock is still cruise control for cool, y’all.


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I’ve heard the same. If there are no carts to retrieve, then that one manager who takes his job FAR too seriously will find some much more shitty extra work for you to do. Slow-rolling the carts back to the front is definitely an extra break, from what I understand.

ChillDude69, (edited )

Shit, that’s what they USED to do, back in the good old days. Now, it’s just “WAAAAAH, WAAAAH, WAAAAHHHHH, THERE ARE TOO MANY ASIANS AND LESBIANS AND BLACKS!”

You realize how long it’s been since I’ve seen grown men get to the point of threatening each other’s safety, over whether or not the hyperspace drives in Star Wars are more realistic than the warp drive from Star Trek?

I never thought I’d miss that shit, but I miss it.

Also, like, can I remind everyone of the cantina scene, from the first fucking movie? NOTHING about that scene says “these producers and writers don’t really buy into the whole concept of diversity,”

Motherfuckers, there were two different kinds of blue alien, aliens with actual butt-faces, a WEREWOLF, some guys with insectoid multi-faceted eyeballs, and a guy with an ultramodernist chair for a fucking head. And the biggest asshole in the place was the fat white guy who didn’t like a specific group (droids) and wouldn’t let them in his bar.

But now, some of y’all think “wokeness” in Star Wars is some kind of NEW thing?

ChillDude69, (edited )

There’s a subset of those that end up actually being SUPER CREEPY. Ya know the ones where there’s, like, a pack of Albert Einsteins or Socrateses (Socratepedes???) all chanting and waving their arms? And saying some weird shit like “ONLY LEFT BRAINED PEOPLE CAN BEAT THIS LEVEL” or whatever wack-ass shit, like that?

That shit is somehow, like, actual nightmare fuel for me. It’s just too surreal and weirdly threatening. Makes me want to just not look at it, instantly.


Well, the lowest possible level of nightmare fuel.

ChillDude69, (edited )

That would kinda explain a lot. I think this shit started to become an inconvenience in my life AFTER my eyes started to deteriorate. So, like, I couldn’t possibly see it, without holding a magnifying glass up to my phone.


I don’t know if I’ve seen that one. But the Country Crock commercials show what non-abusive white marriages are like. Lots of small talk and occasional hand-touching, but not much else.


Jesus Christ on a whole-wheat bagel, man. The production values and acting in that shit were, like, OUT OF CONTROL.


Well, I created him with AI, so double no-soul. I guess that gives him some kind of unnatural, predatory magnetism, like a vampire.

ChillDude69, (edited )

The guy out there on the surfboard, with the umbrella…he REALLY IS doing it right. You know how I know? He’s got a shirt and a hat on, too.

He’s not out there, trying to get skin cancer. There is no rule that says “if I don’t massively increase my risk of dying from malignant melanoma, I’m not really a cool dude.” But a lot of people seem to think there is.

I’m a chubby bald guy. People think I wear a hat and a shirt to the fucking beach/pool because I’m trying to hide my fatness and my baldness. No, man. I’m hiding my weak-ass white skin from Mr. Sun. That shit is the only kind of cancer anyone in my family has ever gotten, too, and it is NOT going to get me. But, also, I do still like fun.

And don’t let any of these whackos come at you with the whole Vitamin D trip. I take that shit in pill form, yo. It’s cool that my cells can make it, but it’s not necessary, in the 21st Century.

ChillDude69, (edited )

On the one hand, you’re not wrong. On the other hand, the way people say that line…it’s as if you go to Kroger or Alberson’s or Target, and see some kind of massive reduction in the number of derelict-ass, unhinged, pajama-clad, whacka-doodle mofos, in their aisles.

That’s a big nuh-uh, chief. If they let you in off the street, without a membership card, and they sell regular-ass groceries, there’s going to be a bunch of semi-washed, pseudo-clothed semi-apes, up in there.

And, honestly, I’m not against it. Pretention is boring. I like my crazy people up-front and straightforward. There’s just as many barely-functional nutjobs at your local country club. They have just leveled up their skill in concealing their situation. That’s both more dangerous AND less fun.

ChillDude69, (edited )

“Yeah, and I heard the sensei at his dojo was the cousin of one of Bruce Lee’s students. And, like, umm, this one time, this other sensei that came and did a guest leseson with them? He totally said that he knew the pressure chakra chi points that can superkill someone, with only one finger. But he said that we weren’t wise enough for him to teach us that, yet.”

I hasten to add that this is sarcasm, just in case people aren’t paying attention. And everyone, please don’t worship martial arts. It’s just so far beyond cringe.


Any type of “ooo, buT he D03s BJJ, tho” comment counts. Martial arts, in general = cringe throwback 1980s nonsense. If you’re still talking about that shit, in any context outside of the actual sport, inside an octagon, you are just making everyone fucking cringe. Fact.


I’m sure your dad could beat up my dad, too. And if you think the F40 is a cooler car than the Countach, that’s also fine. And your Sega Genesis has more Blast Processing than my SNES.

Just, whatever. All the cliché nonsense you want, I’ll just agree with it, because I’m tired of the conversation. You’re stuck in 1989 and I’m not. We’ll just agree on that.


I think that much should be obvious.

But seriously, I shouldn’t have gone off on you. I apologize for being so snarky. The thing is, I would never go and tell anyone “oooh, martial arts = cringe” inside of a martial arts community. I just think it’s wack to talk about celebrities beating people up, with their mad MMA skillz. At the very least, the person I replied to was taking the meme way more seriously than any meme really deserves. In fact, there’s a whole bunch of way-too-super-serious discussion, under this meme.

That’s all I’m saying, really.


Yeah, that’s kinda what I was going for. Arguing about which celebrity could beat up everyone with their mad elite martial arts skillz is absolutely on brand for that movie.

ChillDude69, (edited )

One question remains: when the Exxxocomp dematerializes the fleshlight attachment, does your load get recycled into the micro-replicaotor? Or does the sploodge just drop onto the floor, when it vanishes…at which point, I guess you could order the Exxxocomp to replicate a squeegee to clean it up.


Heartfelt upvote for “internal sploodge core.”

Also, Sploodgecore should be a music genre.


I always thought the cover to Ben Harper’s album “Fight for your Mind” was a good representation about how I felt, when they started forcing me to integrate letters and numbers, in that way:

ChillDude69, (edited )

I only fuck three chocolate bars per day. Is that okay?

You WERE asking how much chocolate we usually fuck, right?

Does dipping my balls in chocolate milk count?

ChillDude69, (edited )

I started to say the same exact thing, but then I realized this is intended to be a clear broth. It has alpha blending. Give it some credit for that much being functional.

ChillDude69, (edited )

In that case, just turn off some of the layers.

EDIT: wait, I have to take this one back. The title said PNG, and that format doesn’t preserve layers. The thickness of the broth is fully rasterized in.


Oh, I’ve watched it. Something reminded me of it today, and that’s why I made this meme.


Wait 'til you see me toss a nut at people with brick allergies.


Yo, this reminds me of that weird ad from Coca-Cola or whatever corporation. It’s an ad that shows up when I pause my streaming services. It’s just a big red screen that says “RECYCLING TAKES ALL OF US.” And, goddammit, I’m so fucking depressed that it took me seeing it about nine times, before I understood what it meant.

I thought it was in the sense of, like, “yeah, man. Every man returns to dust. Recycling takes us all, in the end.”

Nah, it actually just means “we all need to participate in recycling.” That is NOT where my headspace has been at, since around the end of '19.

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