My theory is they meant the lesson to be learned by santa and the others, through Rudolph, but they focus on him so much that you expect Rudolph to have learned or grown himself. Truth is its santa and the head elf who grow, by realizing that even outcasts have something to offer, and that being cruel is, while morally wrong, just dumb as shit because you might need a glowy reindeer snoot someday, but only if you didn't drive them to run away and die to a snow monster. Or something.
That or they just didn't think it through very well at all. Which is probably more likely. Idk. But it feels a little bit more understandable if you think of Santa as the one with the arc, not rudolph.
And many non-official uploads are let stay because somebody sent them a dmca and they chose to keep the video up but let monetization pay out to the org that copyright claimed the content. So the ancient "song name (hd)" video from cheeselicker9000 isn't official but the record label likely gets paid for any ad revenue they make from it. Most labels just strike the non official stuff and upload their own nowadays though. I know when I did some youtube that was one of the options for a response, just letting the claimant take ad revenue and manage monetization.
Oh, this is like when I was in high school and made batch files that open themselves infinitely and named them "not a virus" on the desktop, only to enjoy other students immediately running them.
No tips, but our complex likes to offer like $100 off rent if you refer a friend to live there. Its kinda annoying when you get a pretty red and green christmasy flyer with "a gift for you!" On the top, then goes on to explain "we'll give you a pittance if you do our advertising for us"
Maybe just fix our dryer instead you fuckin dumbshits. I'd not recommend this complex to my worst enemy at this point.
In a similar vein, I'd like to remind my apartment complex that your emergency maintenance line doesn't count as an emergency maintenance line if nobody answers it outside of business hours.
Especially if you only call me back after leaving a message Saturday, on Monday morning. The AC was broken and luckily it wasn't dead of summer, but it still hit 90 something inside Sunday, and god forbid it was flooding or something like that.
Nepotism abounds probably, half the shareholders inherited wealth and didn't earn it, so they probably don't know how to run the company as well as the people who built it, enjoy the "we're all a family" talk, while your manager hires his son timmy to be your boss despite zero experience or qualifications.