What’s the point of bagging to carry it and then drop it. You already did the awful part of bending down, staring at and smelling the shit, feeling its warmth and consistency with your fingers…
This paper is mostly good at saying we need more research here - the CIs on those odds ratios are big.
Systematic under diagnosis would increase the chances of a null result for females
Why does this imply an anti-neurodivergent agenda?
There have been a lot of questions about why autism is more prevalent now than before (is it having a label and discussing tools, envoronmental factors, etc?). We’re seeing a lot of scapegoating, conspiracy theories, and misinformation about this issue. Having at least some evidence that yes environmental changes can affect ASD is important to understanding it.
I definitely think the Vulcan’s plans and logic go beyond their first order actions. That’s why they lie and withhold so much, and offer to “help” so many species but actually stymie them, it gives them more time at the top of the food chain.
Lwaxana is a great character if you’re familiar with TNG, she’s good on DS9 too but much better if you know more about her.
DS9 gets much better as you go on. The characters get better, and the plot gets quite good. You just have to get used to the long seasons compared to modern shows (but they make for great as meme fodder).
By what logic does failing to stop an attack on foreign soil imply you should keep surveilling your own citizens?
Logically isn’t this a stronger advice of “if you cannot stop an action with hundreds involved and multiple countries, what’s the point of all your surveillance?”
I have a folder with config files that I source, one for plugin installs, one for custom commands and hot keys, one for themes (I have a script to manage light and dark modes by time of day), one for project specific file type augroups. I’ve got a bunch of scripts in my home/.bin folder that parse different project files into json on git commit, and then I use vim script and FZF to do custom completion helpers and jump tools with that data. Then there’s my snippets folder…
I can never leave vim. It has taken over the pathways in my brain.
My issue is socialism doesn’t resolve centralization of wealth.
If you write a book and everyone buys it, you’re rich now. Your second book will do better with your name recognition too, so you get wealthier by reputation rather than effort or quality. This is the exponential/multiplicative impact of wealth.
You need janitors and sanitation workers society and I doubt most people will just want to do it. Cleaning doesn’t contribute to the bottom line, you can’t say you cleaned $30 worth of value, so how much do you pay the janitor under socialist models?
You can see the same greedy processes as capitalism in condo strata and other situations where people must share costs. We’re greedy shits and half of us will let the world turn to shit to avoid paying more than they have to.
And what happens to people who want to produce things nobody wants? Sometimes this stuff pays off hugely like the math behind cryptography (which was nothing more than an academic exercise for like 100 years), but sometimes a person wants to spend all their time making macaroni Squidward vore content.
I agree CEOs are overpaid, they’re overpaid because there’s a perceived lack of them because being a CEO is all about your pedigree. Shareholders won’t make Jeff the 18 year employee into CEO because they don’t know who Jeff is, and Sandy over there went to Harvard and has run 6 companies before, starting with the one she inherited or bought with her trust fund. That’s not really fair at all, and it makes capitalism worse too.
I like the ideas of cooperatives and all that, but in my cynical eyes human greed is the center of the problem.
I never learn my lesson (startrek.website)
Gastronomical Masterpiece (lemmy.world)
Crackers (lemmy.world)
As you know, our blockade is perfectly legal (dmv.social)
If the internet has taught me anything it's that no one is an expert in anything (lemmy.world)
Perhaps you may be able to help solve a mystery. (lemmy.world)
Wait until you hear about a character named Jar Jar Binks! It's well worth the wait. (pxscdn.com)
When Horses replace electric is the circle complete? (lemmy.ca)
Are you a Virgin Sodie or a Chad Water?! (i.imgur.com)
Time Travel (startrek.website)
Ransomware (lemmy.world)
Voyager S5 E26 Equinox
DSC Season 5, LD Season 5, SNW Season 3.... GIVE IT TO ME NOW (startrek.website)
What we all wanted to see. (lemmy.world)
Amiright? (lemmy.zip)
Oh no ... (jlai.lu)
Its getting old. (lemmy.ml)