A number of candidates will create their own forks and there will be a long Game of Thrones style war between different factions. After couple of weeks each distro will choose the fork they will make the default one and people will split into warring factions. After that we will enter a nuclear winter style period lasting couple of years during which 90% of post on Lemmy will be just shitposting the rival forks. After a decade or two of backstabbing, dirty politics and other drama new dictator will be selected and all will be back to normal.
The “belief” we’re in a simulation is more like a interesting idea than something people organize their lives around. Is it possible? Yes. Am I going to praise the great programmer every Sunday? No.
The belief in God in most cases is not just belief in some general higher power but a very specific deity with weird morality, silly mythology and bunch of scam artists behind it.
I think there’s a higher power…
that got mad at us for eating fruits but then impregnated a lady with itself and pissed us off so that we murdered him and he could say he’s not mad anymore.
Tiny bit of backstory: I work in Spain so there’s a lot of kissing on the chicks when greeting someone. Spanish people kiss twice, in western countries people kiss 3 times so sometimes there’s a bit of confusion. Anyway, once a girl from Romania met a French co-worker next to my desk. Typical greeting and she says:
How do French people kiss?
The guy got a little bit confused and says:
Trust me, you don’t want me to show you how the French kiss…
Not really related but I found it extremely funny.
I stopped caring. When my GF bought a laptop I just installed Linux there and she has no issues using it. Linux is where I always wanted it to be. Now when I see someone using Windows I just think “you poor soul” to myself and move on.