Get some live distro first and check it out without installation. You will be able to test some basic desktop environments very easily. Most of the distros will have live image. Even better run it in a virtual machine and play around. Test KDE, Gnome, Cinnamon and XFCE. Look at some themes and plugins. I think customizing your desktop is a nice, visual way to see how flexible it all is and get the feel of how configuration files work. If you will like what you can achieve with a bit of work you will just keep going. If you will find it ‘stupid and useless’ it’s probably not for you.
BTW Conquistadores Adventum is a really good show about the colonization of Americas. It shows how tough the sailing was but also how brutal the conquest was and tells the stories of people behind it.
That’s because you’re not a typical consumer. Average consumer those ads target is a mindless capitalist zombie with the sole goal of owning more stuff. Especially in US (but not only) people are trained by their capitalist master that ‘you are what you own’ and spending money is a way of living there. I’m sure you see it everywhere. People go absolutely crazy over brands like Marvel or Star Wars and spend thousands of dollars on useless gadgets. People go crazy over snickers and buy hundredths of pairs. People go crazy over phones and and take credit just to own the latests model. And the ads are there to program those people into wanting more and more things.
Another fun fact is that using ether during childbirth was forbidden by church for a long time because bible specifically says that giving birth in pain is God’s punishment.
Sorry, I think the last Windows I had installed anywhere was XP. I was like “which windows logo is that? should I look it up?” but then I was like “nah, fuck it”.