Image shows a tweet with the header “and people STILL try to convince me Linux and Windows are better when the DATA clearly shows otherwise. SMH” with an image attached showing the following:...
I mean… I don’t use quite that much stock. (or rather, maybe I do, but, like 10qt frozen lasts long enough to get enough scraps fro the next 10qt…) 10qts once a month or so, or 20qts twice that… doesn’t really make a difference.
the other thing that you need to know about american taxes is that they don’t even need you to do them. They’ll correct your work and send you a bill if it’s in their advantage. They can just send you the bill to begin with, but they don’t so their rich friends can show off their pretty science projects (I mean, er, exploit loopholes.)
incidentally, I noticed that the doom comics were issued in '96 when I was double checking my facts. It’s maybe annoying that I’m old enough to remember sneaking a copy of it
So, if you happen to know them… I have a question.
How doped up on hormones are they? Like, maybe they’re just having the time of their life, Brain riding high on dopamine or whatever butterfly’s have for pleasure, and they don’t even realize what’s going on.
Then, when they pop out and realize what they’ve been doing run off to the shower trying not to think about it
I suppose i should have mentioned the third possibility of “both”- they’re Space Mormons; but we rejected the good news so now they’re on a genocidal killing spree. (And they think were primitive, as you say,)
I dunno. would space rednecks really survive getting their own M/AM torps? you really wouldn’t want redneck engineering anywhere near antimatter in enough concentration to blow up.
(there is that theory. Life is common. But usually kills itself off or dies off before leaving it’s home system.)
Well, of course that data is in the “cloud” of a capitalist company willing to sell access to it to anyone… But that doesn’t mean I am okay with you being that anyone!
It’s more the kitchen appliances that I use aren’t the ones people bought as gifts… seriously that combined air fryer/pressure cooker/five-other-cooker-things is… annoying.
(I just have an instapot+slow cooker, immersion blender+blender+food processor that I have to hide from certain family, the absence of the “all in ones” would start a fight.)
I’ve had it a few times. it’s… not something I’d go out of my way to eat. unless grandma was cooking it.
…you don’t want to know how much lard was used in that recipe. Which is why hers is so… amazing. funny how that works. fwiw, most of the lard was actually for the pan…but still it’d probably be enough to give your doctor a heart attack.
So somebody went and looked at its genetic structure, and compared its structure as it developed from larva and found that each of the limbs (if I understand it correctly) are all head (or heads,) and the tail disappears.
Though I personally- and without any real authority- divide the line based on how it behaves on a plate (well, hypothetically,)- if the stock/broth would stay clinging on the topping/filling/whateveritscalled rather than just spilling out and making a hypothetical mess…. It’s a stew
For some inexplicable reason, all my soups turn into stews. It’s a mystery, really.
In any case I’ve been experimenting with chili- cooking off andouille sausage for its fond, starting with a sofrito sort of thing using fine chopped onion and celery, garlic towards the end, ginger. deglaze with booze- I’ve been settling to burbon, but white wine was fairly neutral. Enough water for the sofrito to cook down into almost nothingness, followed by the pepper purée.
That’s been a mix of sweet peppers, serano and smoked red chili’s that I’ve grown fresh, mostly aiming for a more mild heat.
Once that’s hot and simmering and cohesive, it’s the beef, I use rump cut into smallish pieces, that I first marinate with fish sauce and some extra booze. (Don’t worry the fish sauce only smells awful until you cook it.) some lime and orange zest, and lime juice. simmer until heavenly.
Other stews are chicken stew (lemon and white wine stock cooks down wonderfully. Add what ever vegetables you’d like- carrots, celery, onion, maybe green beans.). This finds its way into pot pie as often as not;
the GF’s go to is mushrooms soup. I’ll also go to town with a creamy pea soup if I can get my hands on a ham hock.
I like the one where they drop a chicken walker on him in rebels. Also the moment where Vader attacks Home one and Hera leads him into the tractor beams. The palpable “we’re dead” from the imps conveyed some of the mojo they lost in the prequels- when they turned Vader into a whiny emo crybaby
Some of y'all need to see this and drop the superiority complex... (
Image shows a tweet with the header “and people STILL try to convince me Linux and Windows are better when the DATA clearly shows otherwise. SMH” with an image attached showing the following:...
Anyone get any good cooking presents?
Anyone get anything good for the holidays? Cooking ingredients, equipment, books, etc?...
Seasonal sauce (
When you need to cook a large amount of tomato sauce in a non clad pot.
[joke]Broke out grandma’s candy thermometer….
Gotta ask, what kinda candy was she making? Soft crack. Hard crack. Pot…....
Grilboss this! Girlboss that! (
Rae the Doe by Olive Brinker, December 5, 2023.
How to Minimize Indoor Air Pollution When Cooking at Home (
Pigeons (
Well deserved (
Can you install thid 25 year old program? (
Memory Soup (
uhhh uhhhhh (
"Internet" by ChrissHallbeck (
Source: Mastodon - RSS
Appliances (
Well, of course that data is in the “cloud” of a capitalist company willing to sell access to it to anyone… But that doesn’t mean I am okay with you being that anyone!
i stg (
Foolishness (
18+ NSFW (
*screams exestentially* (
all head, all the time (
Scientists couldn’t find the head of the starfish. Turns out, the entire thing is head, it’s the body that is missing.
Do You Need To Wash Rice Before Cooking? Here’s The Science (
I found this article pretty interesting… it seems to contradict the current cooking zeitgeist
It's getting to be soup season. What are your favorite soups?
It’s split pea or ham and potato for me....
Fallen Order/Survivor for sure (
Although Rogue One is coming in close at second…
[BOW] I wouldn't be caught dead on a lava planet (