It’s just my anecdotal experience but writing off my comment as me justifying a purchase (that I haven’t made) is just silly and lazy discussion
Somebody made that purchase, though. dismissing the cost point for apple products because you didn’t personally fork over is… amusing. Also, most vendors configure for windows, aka the OS with the largest market share of desktop computing devices. Some vendors (like epson), who cater to photography or graphic design will also ensure it works in Mac, but as noted elsewhere, the drivers for the printers in MacOS and linux are the same- CUPS. if printer compatibility is what you were looking for, you got taken for a ride. (this is not to say there aren’t valid reasons for living in Apple’s walled garden…there are… it’s just printer hardware isn’t one of them)
One of the weapons I’ve wanted to see make live action were the discblades as used by the Zeizon Sha. as far as a character’s load out, one big one, and dozes of, like wrist-bangle-thingies, used in a telekinetic sort of fuck-you.
I’m purposefully ignoring the inquisitor’s toys… I’m pretty sure they were actually a joke. (especially at the point that that one dude… used it like a helicopter rotor…)
The problem with double bladed lightsabers is that they have none of the good aspects of a staff of the same length. Keep in mind, pretty much whatever a lightsaber’s blade touches is going to get seared or slagged. Thrusting with one blade, means the other is very awkwardly close to your side. Then, you can’t really do vertical strikes or parry vertical strikes. And the “Oh, but you can strike much faster… BAM BAM BAM BAM!!!” thing… well, that’s about all you can do. Also, a single bladed lightsaber is going to parry those individual and move to the next both faster and more efficiently than you can strike.
Personally, I’d go something more like the concept art for Darth Bane’s Glaive-thing. Maybe a collapsing haft for a second side. You can see the obvious advantage in this HEMA video.
it was and is. If we’re being honest, as far as the food is concerned, I’m way more excited about the pea soup made with the “left over” ham hock than i was the ham it came from. Same goes with the turkey sandwhiches.
heh. no worries. For the record, the living wall was the best thing I did with my apartment when I was still living in one. Something about the fresh herbs, the leafy greens, and the constant supply of actually-good tomatoes.
other good plants, if you want to get your plant-parent on, include things like strawberries and small cucumbers, peppers. The caveat with those is you’re likely to have to pollinate manually. Living walls are fun way to get fresh food and get some greenery inside.
My wife and I rarely cook turkey for Thanksgiving. This year we’re coming Cornish hens. In previous years we’ve cooked duck, leg of lamb, and rib roast. It’s not that we don’t like turkey, but there are lots of other things that I think I’d prefer eating....
the dark meat is great for chicken and dumplings. I’ll usually break it down because it’s about $5/pound here. (verse like $10 for 2 breasts…) so if you’re not needing the full bird for something, you can always re-freeze whatever you’re holding. And the chicken and dumplings are great for family meals. you can make most of it ahead of time, reheat and drop the dumplings when the family is ready to go.
It is a lot. but, the prep is spread out over several days, so there’s that. makes things manageable.
Uhm. Doom was originally released in 1993. 30 years ago. Dragon age Origins was released in 2009. 14 years ago.
Not quite. got a couple years before that’s true.
FWIW, the first game I beat was the OG legend of zelda. I was 7, it was my dad’s game and i wasn’t supposed to be playing it for some reason. I got caught when my dad was strugling on the puzzles in the water temple and I gave some helpful advice… (“We won’t tell mom about this. now where did you say I go?”)
the first PC game I got heavily into was Age of Empires, though, a lot of my friends played starcraft, and insisted it was better than AoE; so I played one game with them. (They were all so very patronizing… so I let them be patronizing and then turned my ally to hostile and carpet-nuked the entire map.) (yeah. I went back to AoE after that, lol.)
Fast food veggies are gross. The lettuce is slimy, the tomatoes are flavorless mush.
And they put too much of their excessively sweet ketchup on those burgers. It’s messy and gross. Even as a kid, it was disgusting, and the pickle, too. Fast food burgers are way too soggy. Especially if you’re not eating it in the next 30 seconds.
(There’s a reason I don’t do fast food anymore.)
Asking for it plain isn’t being picky at all. I once new a guy who would insist on medium, half salt, double cheese half lettuce. And no. The salt thing wasn’t a medical thing. He’d scarf full salt fries.
Road tripping with that guy was “fun”
The reality is, ordering something the way you like it isn’t bejng “picky”. You’re buying food. It’s when you send a burger back five times because it keeps getting messed up because you’re order is freaking insane that it turns into “picky”.
Okay, so I was making chicken soup from stock I had made using a (lightly,) browned carcus and neck. just before dumping the the dumplings into it, the stock’s color was a nice light brown. I added about 1/4 cup of lemon juice, turned my back for 30 seconds after a stir and it turned it an almost milky-off white. Eventually it...
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How To Sound Wise (
Everything's Better When You're Part of a Group (
Via Bored Panda
[QUESTION] When glazing a Chrismas Ham how much of the ham do I cover?
I have a half Christmas ham and I’m not sure if I’m supposed to glaze only the top(fat) or if I’m supposed to cover the sides as well.
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They work better in Linux than Windows, not to mention backwards compatibility....
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When you need to cook a large amount of tomato sauce in a non clad pot.
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Gotta ask, what kinda candy was she making? Soft crack. Hard crack. Pot…....
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[meme] Am I the only one that starts quoting Macbeth while making pea soup? (
Double, double Toil and Trouble; Fire burn and Cauldron boil....
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Are you growing your own? At least for the greens? They go with everything....
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[Question] Are you cooking something other than turkey for Thanksgiving?
My wife and I rarely cook turkey for Thanksgiving. This year we’re coming Cornish hens. In previous years we’ve cooked duck, leg of lamb, and rib roast. It’s not that we don’t like turkey, but there are lots of other things that I think I’d prefer eating....
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[DISCUSSION] What's the pickiest you have seen someone be?
I think everyone is picky about certain things but what is the pickiest you’ve seen someone be?
[question] for the chemistry types- making chicken soup. Why did lemon juice turn the light brown chicken stock almost white?
Okay, so I was making chicken soup from stock I had made using a (lightly,) browned carcus and neck. just before dumping the the dumplings into it, the stock’s color was a nice light brown. I added about 1/4 cup of lemon juice, turned my back for 30 seconds after a stir and it turned it an almost milky-off white. Eventually it...
I dunno, still might be aliens with this one. (
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Agreed... How about a Q? [ExtraFabulous Comics] (
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