I just reported people for transphobia and islamophobia, and they claimed it was abusing the report button so they banned me site-wide. They claimed it was a violation of the terms of service, but literally I checked and abusing the report button isn’t even a rule. It just seems to me like getting rid of the complainer was better than getting rid of the problem.
Do you know of a good server for that? Because I tried to sign up with Lemmy n sfw they never activated my account, and it was like a month ago.
And yeah, I’m not sure why the sex positivity movement seems to have completely reversed itself. There is this idea that the idea of sexuality of any kind is somehow inherently wrong. Which is stupid. I need all the fetishes
Yes but at the same time we used to have all the evidence in the world indicate that planet Vulcan was just behind the sun, and then it turned out that no it wasn’t. If Dark Matter can’t be found no matter what experiment we do. Then maybe we are mistaken about its existence
The feminist Revolution came and told women that they didn’t have to be constrained to feminine roles. That they were allowed to Define themselves based on their own merits and desires, not just those of society and her husband.
The masculinist revolution… never happened at all and I just made it up…
Plot twist, he ordered and antidote for a poison that only kills people on Friday. He can’t afford the shipping and now is trying to see if he can just barely make it to receive the antidote.
If aliens showed up and beamed a bunch of food and diapers into the hood. There is a large portion of humanity that would get mad at the aliens for helping black people, instead of being happy that aliens helped anyone at all
It was a weird time for women in media… we were being written for the first time as something other than a housewife… but most writers are men and have no idea how to do that.
So there was this idea early on that a housewife is “Normal” and any deviation is an oddity that needs to be explained.
In media for adults this tended to be rape in media for kids it was more subtle…
You had the “Dumbass In Distress” character, an evolution of the damsel where she is competant and badass in the first two acts but once we get to the third… “Time to forget everything I know about common sense and fighting prowress so that someone with a penis can save me!”
A great example of this is Sonya Blade in the 95 Mortal Kombat flick. Throughout most of it she is a badass hypercompetent take no prisoners character who even kills her rival Kano… something she keeps trying to do and failing in the games.
But in the third act? Nope fuck that. Shang Tsung kidnaps her and takes her to Outworld so that Earthrealm will be tempted to give up to save her… even though she’s supposed to be just as good of a fighter as Johnny Cage…
This isn’t even something you can blame on the games as Sonya only had the damsel role once, and it was in MK2 where not only was Kano also in the exact same predicament, but we got Mileena and Kitana neither of whom are damsels. Heck Mileena is even a rare example of a female villain that DOESN’T wind up joining the good guys (Until the most recent reboot, but basically everyone did a Heel Face Turn in that so it really isn’t misogyny)
Sadly it is the old assumption that rape is just “One of those things that happens to women, like periods.”
It’s getting better now, more editors are catching it (Laura Croft was supposed to be a “innocent flower” at one point who only became badass because she got raped… this was not only removed from the final game but the person was fired)
But… the idea of rape as a “Female Problem like broken finger nails and not being able to go to the mall” is definitely a major sign that the writing you are looking at is from the 90s when they want edge and they want women, but no idea how to do both.
I’ve even done it once and I’m not even a man… and even then it was in something meant to be sleazy with a B grade horror vibe and as an homage to I Spit On Your Grave
F#€k $pez (lemmy.ml)
bro pls (mander.xyz)
Were this the ‘good ole times’ they always talk about? (lemmy.world)
It's not fair (startrek.website)
(sorry if anyone got this post twice. I posted while Lemmy.World was down for maintenance, and it was acting weird, so I deleted and reposted)
I wasn't in a hurry anyway (lemmy.world)
Riven – Port Sherry (Pedro Arizpe) (i0.wp.com)
Source: Riven – Port Sherry...
*screams exestentially* (mander.xyz)
Difficult Terrain (lemmy.sdf.org)
Tough life (lemmy.ml)
Pretty interesting, huh? (mander.xyz)
pluto pls (mander.xyz)