still a prime example I have is the reporting sheet, and I can't remember which one, reports something in like 4a that goes to the 1040 in line 4b and 4b goes to 4a. seriously. this looks like the reporting sheet was made to fuck with the tax payer. (also data input is the most annoying part. you should not have to pay for a system just to get the boxes filled from data from forms. its just bs.)
ill admit these comics make me feel like I have adhd. I actually do a lot but the amount of mental effort I have to put into each thing is massive and I have to put myself on super rails. I basically don't do anything like vacations or planned leasure because prepping for it is just more work and im pretty much constantly tyring to catch up with what I need to do dealing with (usually) the most important things first. I spend ridiculous amounts of time just making sure I pay bills and such.
just go zorin os. it attempts to simulate the look and feel of windows while also having a lot of pre installed applications including playonlinux/wine sot that once its installed you can just go.
xactly. Any other problems are usually self made or if not then the money still can ameliorate them greatly. Like being crippled. Better to have a nice house, someone to come clean, with stair lift and such than to be on the streets with a tiny tim crutch.
I feel for you here. I think of myself as left of center but it is funny how much one side or the other treats the center like the hardest core of the other end. Its funny because I way back when I had started at a catholic college where I seemed waaayyy left but then transfered to the state school where I seemed centerist or at best kinda left and if you compared me to the school population then right of center. I did find the liberal state school seemed to have more of self awareness that the environment was skewed left whereas the catholic institution viewed itself as more center.