Samira was a child bride married at 15 and a victim of domestic violence. She had two young children, one a new-born baby, when she was arrested and had not seen her children in ten years. She saw them for the first and last time when they came to the prison to say goodbye....
No, it’s not the same thing. When most Christians, or governments in countries with majority Christian population, hear about priests raping kids, they are disgusted by it and are 100% ok with punishing the offender.
When Muslim countries hear about the above, they think justice has been done. Obviously the girl should have just been a good little child sex slave and went along with whatever her husband wanted. The see shit like this as A-OK.
It’s a false equivalence to say these two views are the same.
Men and women might have had their fingers deliberately chopped off during religious rituals in prehistoric times, according to a new interpretation of palaeolithic cave art....
No God damn way is it an intentional body mod. If it were, the pinky would not be the digit chosen.
Grip strength.
If you lose your pinky, you lose almost half your fucking grip strength. And as something like grip strength is pretty fucking important for a hunter-gatherer society, I’d be shocked if they were just lobbing off pinkies for the hell of it.
10 years after Zod’s snapped neck, Martha, “some kinda Suicide Squad”, CGI moustache, rennouncing your wish, the hiearchy of power changing, and Speed Force PS1 graphics, the DC Extended Universe finally comes to a close. And it ends the same way it started - with a Rotten score....
what would you have done differently with the DCEU
Started it from the Nolan Batman movies instead of rebooting it again. The DCEU could have been the darker, grittier answer to Marvel’s movies. Instead we got a lot of formulaic movies that all look like a low budget CW show.
“What a fun show, I can’t wait to see how the creator develo-”
Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17
So what’s the deal with Keiko? Was she intentionally written to be an awful wife? She frequently holds double standards, is lukewarm to O’Brian at the best of times, and constantly acts like she’s just in a marriage of convenience. I honestly can’t recall a single time she ever showed genuine affection for O’Brian. It’s like she expected him to die long ago to get Starfleet’s widow benefits, and every day he’s still alive she resents him for it.
They had no idea what they wanted to do with Ferengi in this episode. By the end, they are downright feral. Wearing furs and jumping around screaming like cavemen. After watching them in later episodes, this one just feels really weird to see.
I hate the term earth-like when all they really mean is rocky surface with signs of maybe water.
Nevermind if it’s a frozen wasteland. Nevermind if it’s atmosphere is made of sulphuric acid like Venus. Nevermind if it’s so close to it’s star that it’s tidally locked and half of it is a constant inferno. It’s “earth-like”!
If it did, it could only have been a positive effect. From a logistics standpoint, what happened that day is nothing short of astounding. Less than 3 hours after making the decision, the ENTIRE US airspace was cleared of all commercial traffic. 4500 planes were re-routed and grounded at a time of extreme uncertainty. It may have been his first day, but the guy did his job flawlessly.
I’m working on a indie video game that’s set on a large ship and I’m looking to have it be a very hidden and elusive boat. (Speaking vaguely to avoid spoilers)...
Ironically, this would be a terrible place to try and hide. Since it’s the furthest point from land, it tends to get visited by private ships pretty often, just so the people on board can say they’ve been to it.
Proto-chicken laid the egg. It was a proto-chicken egg. The creature that came out of it had enough genetic variance to be defined as a full chicken.
Note, the question does not ask “what came first, the chicken or the chicken egg?” It’s just “the egg”. It doesn’t matter what type of egg, as long as a chicken came out of it.
Say Mexico was starving. Say aid was sent to them again and again but every time, the Mexican government snatched a large chunk of it up and hoarded it. Say then that the Mexican government decides to attack the US and the US cut off aid. The Mexican government still have huge stocks of food and supplies from the years of aid that was meant for the people, but now no new aid is coming in.
Is the US to blame for Mexicans starving? Or is it the Mexican government who refuse to distribute their stockpiles to their people?
Last time, I used: “Anybody need anything while I’m out?” and that went over well. May not make it through this surgery on Friday, so I turn to Lemmy for top-notch suggestions for my potential last words!
Funny how the countries that are supposedly the ones who know the real truth about the world are the same ones that routinely lock up journalists for trying to report about the world.
It would be off the charts in Chinese media too if they had things like free press and didn’t arrest their people for posting things critical of the Chinese government.
Self-love (
What's a food you love, that isn't worth making from scratch?
For me, crepes ain’t worth the stress to make fresh. Just buy a little pack from store and focus on filling is my go to.
Iran, child bride and year-long victim of domestic violence Samira Sabzian who killed her 'husband' has been been executed in Ghezelhesar Prison (
Samira was a child bride married at 15 and a victim of domestic violence. She had two young children, one a new-born baby, when she was arrested and had not seen her children in ten years. She saw them for the first and last time when they came to the prison to say goodbye....
Many prehistoric handprints show a finger missing. What if this was not accidental? (
Men and women might have had their fingers deliberately chopped off during religious rituals in prehistoric times, according to a new interpretation of palaeolithic cave art....
The DCEU ends not with a bang, but a wimper. (
10 years after Zod’s snapped neck, Martha, “some kinda Suicide Squad”, CGI moustache, rennouncing your wish, the hiearchy of power changing, and Speed Force PS1 graphics, the DC Extended Universe finally comes to a close. And it ends the same way it started - with a Rotten score....
I never learn my lesson (
Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?
Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17
"Millennial lingo" by Shen Comic (
Source: Webtoon - RSS
Two Imperial German sound locators for detecting airplanes, WW1, 1917 (
The perfect marriage (
Gonna need a few rewrites (
Survive the zombie apocalypse (
"Earth-like" (
It's my first day, how bad can it be? ( is shutting down it's previous API. Now only authenticated access allowed. (
and they're gonna pay (
Where on the globe would you best be able to sail a very large ship without being detected?
I’m working on a indie video game that’s set on a large ship and I’m looking to have it be a very hidden and elusive boat. (Speaking vaguely to avoid spoilers)...
No doubts (
Shit would have gone down differently on the biggest continent, just sayin'. (
As Gazans Scrounge for Food and Water, Hamas Sits on a Rich Trove of Supplies (
Post uses a gift link so everyone can access it....
‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens (
Here we go again…
What's an amusing thing to say before going under general anesthesia?
Last time, I used: “Anybody need anything while I’m out?” and that went over well. May not make it through this surgery on Friday, so I turn to Lemmy for top-notch suggestions for my potential last words!
Trust me. You're all awesome [CatsCafeComics] (
Cats Cafe Comics Source Links:...
Sure. Why not. Anything goes. (
Anti-China Rhetoric Is Off the Charts in Western Media (