To be fair, whomever decided to use an apostrophe to indicate possession AND abbreviation clearly didn’t think through all the possible conflicts before going ahead and making it a thing. Should have made a separate symbol for one of them.
Stupid people who put literally no effort or attention to anything they do, ever. Same kind of people that don’t bother to reserve a rental car ahead of time.
What if you’re on a one lane road, and not only is there a dude with bright lights on behind you, but also there’s just a continuous stream of them in the opposing lane, all flashing you as well?
I’m reading a fictional book series where a character in the first few books literally becomes the new god… then the later books take place a few hundred years later, and you see how the new god laid everything out for the people, and gave them books on how to prosper and all this valuable info… and STILL these idiots ended up forming various competing religions, full of BS!