People just HAVE to keep changing established terms to feel special, I guess. For example, I’ve noticed people used to say “X got that Win!”, then it changed to “Y fr earned that W”, and today I saw someone say “Z deserved that dub”.
I don’t know how these people function day to day…
I actually did once know someone that I encouraged to buy a new (cheapish but decent) chef’s knife. A few months later I asked how they liked it, and they were like “oh I left it in the sink sitting in water overnight one too many times, and it developed rust spots, so I trashed it” 🤯
I’m talking more about the weird obsession they have with hating kids, to the point they make these cringey terms like “meat sirens” and “crotch goblins”. If someone said those terms to me in real life, I don’t think I could take that person seriously anymore.
I mean, i have been seeing the same damn trailer for it before every movie i’ve seen in theaters for months, and I still didnt realize it was coming out now.
That’s a very good point… it seems like every time the national budget is up for renewal, those Republican clowns threaten to fuck everyone over. Bastards, the lot of them!