Well it’s moot anyway; I’m in the US where Nestle sold all their confectionary brands. I just noticed all the kitkats at the store I shop were branded by Hershey now and had to look up wtf. I noticed this before with another candy not too long ago, too. Didn’t realize it was literally all their candy brands in the US.
Now whether we’re talking aliens, extra dimensional beings or non-human intelligence is anyone’s guess but something is coming down the pipeline.
With how, just… Uncool everything turns out once it’s scientifically explained, that thing is probably nothing more than sasquatch. Instead of something that would change our very perceptions of reality, we just get a new species of primate that has somehow eluded capture for a long time.
Earthquakes are the only things I’ve ever had to worry about where I live. The preparation other than basics for any emergency is (hopefully) handled by the construction companies that built my home and the surrounding buildings, since this is California and making buildings earthquake proof is a requirement here. Unless a super quake hits or something. Then I plan to move to the Eastern coast of the state. 😎
Ya gotta do yourself in by the most property damaging means, that way the landlord really feels it where it counts when it comes to cleanup and repair.
That’s what the qualifier “great” is for. A bad politician has panache. Charisma, to me, implies some charm. Panache is what P.T. Barnum used to rope suckers into seeing what an “egress” is.