I once saw a crow look both ways before walking across the street and I thought “Wow. What a dumbass, he could just fly over it and not have to worry about cars.”
I was a new dog owner, went to /r/Dogs to ask about a particular behavior my dog was exhibiting I’d never seen or read about before (turned out to be normal tho) and every reply I got basically told me I don’t know how to care for an animal and that I should give him to someone else.
It was then I realized that it wasn’t just /r/RelationshipAdvice that was full of bitter, jealous losers whose advice is always “dump them.” It applied to literally every single subreddit dedicated to advice. They may have started with good intentions and knowledgeable people, but over time filled up with people who had no business giving anyone advice.
Imagine all the people who would do the Matrix thing and learn martial arts… Only to gain the wisdom that knowing how to do martial arts doesn’t make it any easier when you’re fat and out of shape.