It’s not about Disney, it’s about improving society. Disney’s jurisdiction ends at the gate, people like this need to know a lesson can be taught anywhere by anyone.
Choice is, by definition, not subject to compulsion, and if it is subject to compulsion is not a willing choice, it is forced and influenced. If you want to be a pedantic asshole at least have the intellectual integrity to be right first.
There is no period so it’s not technically a statement, nor is it properly capitalised to be a statement. It is a title. Ipso facto, your rules regarding proper punctuation are null and void.
Exactly, and that’s why everything you’ve ever known as communism and socialism is in exactly the same boat. They didn’t follow the actual communistic or socialist principals. They were all little north Korea pretending to be those things.
You’ve never read a book in your life, you have no clue what that phrase means. You have just proven yourself genuine and not an actor. You are a moron.
By actually distributing the value generated to the workers. It doesn’t require the state to do anything except legislate paying workers their worth. Adequately taxing those with means to pay for social services for those without. You know, actually benefitting the lowest rung of the social hierarchy beyond letting them beg for scraps and die.
I’ll give you a hint, no one is being paid what they’re worth while a profit margin exists because every dollar of profit is a dollar exploited from the supplier, the worker, and the customer, for the benefit of the mini kings of capitalism.
Which if you knew how to read a book you’d realise is the point. Like I said, you’re not pretending to be a moron. You’re just parroting shit you heard elsewhere with no understanding of it’s actual meaning or context, and you’ve definitely never read any of the books these ideas come from. You are the equivalent of a child telling a physicist that they don’t know how particle physics works because of what your friend told you in kindergarten.
Go read a book and stop being a willfully ignorant dumbass. Not that I have any hope you’d understand the concepts in them but you’d have to learn something from osmisis at least.
The fibers are so small and sharp the they can cause physical damage to dna.
The most toxic asbestos fibres have widths 250nm-10nm, and this toxicity is “physical”, which could mean either mechanical or optical: Tangling with chromosomes is a •mechanical hazard occasionally reported, and fibres <100nm wide would probably be most knife-like.
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. (
New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. (
You do know you can just click the "reject all" button, right? (
This (
They don't understand. We built these machines so that we can work more. (
The rage is real (
Almost got me there Google! (
Feeling the lack of moderation now Reddit? (
Shocked Pikachu face meme.
Here as well (
Except maybe ... (
They forgot the LGBTQ... (
Mommy's Choice (
“I come from the slums; I come from a hard background; I come from a poor family; and I was a soldier.” (
Plummeting interest rate (