It didn’t age well in some respects (misogyny, racism, borderline sexual assault), but it’s a great watch and the envisioning of a dystopian 2022 through the lens of 1973 is fascinating.
e: your comment inspired me to rewatch it and the 30 year old man living with his father is spot on.
I was awarded the Royal Decoration of Saint Michael the Archangel from the Principality of Kaharagia, so that would be my first choice, since I’m a Lady. Last I knew they were still looking for land, though, so that may be out.
Second choice is Monaco.
e: didn’t realise Monaco is officially recognised.
I have to go off it for a month or so every so often because I go from ‘this is a nice feeling, I want to go to sleep’ when coming down to suicidal anxiety after a while. Not exactly a hangover, but it’s not ideal.
After a tolerance break, I’m fine again, but what the hell is that?
Right, but if that current shuts down, that means the transfer of warm and cold currents that power weather patterns across the entire northern hemisphere will be disrupted.
The last time that happened, the entire northern hemisphere basically froze over. If you live north of the equator, whether it’s North America, Europe, or Asia, the result would be similar: no more warm seasons and freezing to the point of glaciation, from what I understand. I’m not a climatologist, though.
Didn’t alcohol use actually go up during temperance? I swear I read some studies on that. Like that was the reason it failed – alcohol use not only increased, but the alcohol that was available became more dangerous, so temperance was reversed and regulations on how it was made and licensing were instated.