First of all, I can evaluate whether I like the game or not, see if it runs well enough for me. I know Steam has a 2 hour window for a refund, but that it less convenient than testing the. Game in other ways.
Well I’m not opposed to the idea that we(the universe)were created by accident. Maybe we are a simulation, maybe I’m the creator of the universe and everything is just my brains imagination.
I don’t really know or put much thought into it, but I can’t just think. Matter was just there. Like the bug bag happened with nothing before it.
Organized religion or religion in a spiritual sense? I do believe there is some higher power that created matter and the laws of physics. But I don’t believe they care or even know about us.
You are a disgrace!!! How do you sleep with yourself?
But that’s a really great point. It’s easy to thinking of your threat model as all or nothing. And you are right. I’m not hiding from the law. I’m hiding from advertisers. If the government acquires my information then it was a mistake on their part as there is nothing there to find other than emails from my bank.