In the 20 minutes since reading the meme, posting a comment elsewhere in the thread, then posting this one? Took a few more bites of my lunch and watched some of a retrospective about the TV show Farscape on Youtube.
My plan has always been to get cremated and then just bury my ashes somewhere with a little gravestone. No need for a container or anything, after a few years go ahead and bury someone else’s ashes in the same spot and either replace the headstone or figure out a way to stack em. Just have a running tally of names and dates for everyone buried in that plot.
My plan A was similar. Just get cremated and just be scattered around my parents graves. Just so "I’m around“. Plan b, viking funeral. Plan “c” is getting cramated, getting an half and ounce of ashes, putting it in resin keychains. Then during the memorial, “take a little piece of Bob with you.”, and hand out the keychains. Eventually, you are going to lose it, go back to my wife, because she probably has a box of leftover me somewhere.
You just wait to find out how much it cost to make the hole and then to close it. Or to just purchase the little spot of ground that you’re going to be buried beneath. Or how about the giant concrete box they have to bury you in to which goes your casket. Or spending $600 on a single splay flowers… With a bow.
I consider it to be alarming because it can encourage people to choose cremation unnecessarily, just because it fits the budget. I would not take away or mock anyone’s choice to cremate if that really is their first choice…
But I think it’s upsetting for Orthodox Christians and other groups that require burial and would like to have a dignified casket at an affordable price. Just like how I sometimes feel bothered thinking about *the cost of burial plots." The idea of being fleeced of a significant part of a modest inheritance through the funerary process is really off-putting.
I get your point, but organized religion LOVES to fleece people. They live for that shit! Make you feel ill and sick and then sell you the 7,500 $ cure!
I imagine that some do pay for it, while others don’t.
I’ve learned there’s a huge variety in compensation for Priests, as well. In places like Greece, where it is the state religion, Priests are government employees, I believe, and they get some fixed amount as public servants, while in much of the world it all depends on the local parish. Many priests have to continue working in the world to pay their bills.
I am not sure if there has been a case at my church where we have crowdfunded a casket but I know we have people pay something like $25 USD a year to be buried in the Church cemetery, which is an absolute steal.
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