My girlfriend started taking a Masters in a college this year. In her course the faculty have shown some disorganization and computer illiteracy since day one but the latest one…completely killed me....
oh man, I just spent 6k to save my dogs life. I don’t even have 1k, much less 6. We are both gonna eat grass for the next 6 month, but we’ll do it together, coz she is great now!
No joke my doctor told me I should whash my sinis everyday before bed and told me to buy a specific bottle that makes it easier and safer, I did and OMG, life changing!! Just don’t wash your sinus with regular water please!
You are right I really don’t, but not all theory translates well into reality. How would a country of milions manage all that without hierarchy? I’m not going against you I’m just trying to understand how would this work without a dictatorship and considering that humans are not trustworthy
Hey OP, comunistm is great on paper because it doesn’t take into consideration the human nature. Humans are corruptible, no matter who, and even the best of us would be corrupted when it comes to someone they love. This alone breaks the comunist stance because you can’t have fairness when one human is responsable for managing/governing. Comunism would work if there was no hierarchy between humans, no one more powerful. Maybe if some aliens come or if some AI evolve enough to govern, but that’s is not today’s world
Edit: I do think the US level of captalism is horrible. Maybe begin with just SOME socialist policies, like free healthcare and univesities, that would already improve so much the lifes of americans
I LOVE dogs, really, but after adopting 2 cats I just think they are very hard work. Still have a dog but he needs atetion all the time, gets sad, want to go for walks etc. Cats? If you try to pet them too much they bite you. Also, litter boxes
The funniest thing is that reddit is so shitty that they created all this caos and didn’t even meet the deadline!! 3rd party apps are still working because they fail to enforce the changes! aka they were bluffing! Reddit is a shit show omg
I'm trying to think of something more stupid than this but it's not easy...
My girlfriend started taking a Masters in a college this year. In her course the faculty have shown some disorganization and computer illiteracy since day one but the latest one…completely killed me....
This was actually a thing btw (
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2024, welcome! (
Anatomy of a shitpost (
Gaston Glock has died (
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Cap’n Crunch sellin in a dark alley way. Those poor kids are lookin a little rough....
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Fishing (
Average state of mainstream journalism (
It's not door number 2? (
Free sex... (party)*… Become poor dog (
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It's like everyday (
Excuse me, sir (
Communist Filth/Capitalist Filth (
Turns out they were Democratic Socialists all along (
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Poompkins. (
Reddit's API protest just got even more NSFW (