They could have easily crammed the Steam Deck full of stuff to make it hard to use for piracy - locking down everything, making it usable only to play games you legitimately own, force you to go through who knows what hoops in order to play games on it. That’s what Nintendo or Apple or most other companies do....
The deck has made me highly interested in building a desktop for the first time in a long time, running Chimera OS. I didn’t realize something like the deck was possible, and I’d just dock it if it were more powerful, but it doesn’t need to be more powerful as a handheld. I’d love a high end gaming PC that is able to park in the living room and function just fine with my dualsense controller. Prices have mostly come down, so I’ve window shopped a solid build for about $1200, but the GPU alone would’ve been about that much until pretty recently.
I tried something new a few weeks ago to kick off an update machete order that I thought worked surprisingly well. I started with the start of act 3 of Rogue One. Going into that blind, not knowing the characters or what specifically they were trying to accomplish, seeing some blind monk guy walk and act by faith instead of sight to do something at a console, they sacrifice all to beam some kind of signal, and then this towering menace in all black just shows up and slaughters a bunch of dudes… It perfectly leads into IV and enhances it without the time commitment or pacing issues of watching all of Rogue One. I love Mads but we really just don’t need to even see him for the important bits of the story. Vader becomes even more mysterious and threatening this way, the “plans” in IV are given more weight and don’t just seem like a macguffin to give the empire a reason to give chase, and Luke becomes relatively more of an unlikely hero because he’s just a kid caught in the middle of a star war.
I’m not gonna say that Rogue One is bad, but for watching the entire saga it feels like a slog to watch the whole thing. As somebody who considers IV to be a 10/10 masterpiece, (especially for 1977 before anything like this existed, and before George Lucas changed shit for no reason,) I gotta know which half of IV is the half that sparks joy for you. Maybe my favorite moment in the entire franchise is when Luke storms out and looks at the twin sunset, yearning to leave his small and inconsequential life, John Williams’ score swelling into the frustrated sobbing that only a teenager trapped in a small town with a small life could truly understand. It’s his Disney princess moment.
That makes sense. It did feel a lot more grounded than the main entries. I think a lot of my apprehension to the characters was knowing that they couldn’t possibly matter beyond that movie because it’s a prequel to a trilogy that doesn’t mention them, so I knew they would probably just die soon. That just made it harder for me to get invested. But you’re right, it’s cool to see the seedy side of the galaxy and it sells that the rebels are scrappy regular people who are justified in their rebellion.
You might be the only person I’ve heard of who didn’t like IV and V, but liked Rogue One. I’m picturing a thread with people debating whether Terminator 1 or 2 is better, and you’re like “those are mid, Genisys is the one I like.” It’s just a fascinatingly rare take.
Empire Strikes Back is pretty universally acclaimed as being in the top 2 of star wars movie, and most people’s #1. I’m curious what didn’t do it for you. Is it just too old now? Overhyped? Do you think the pacing is bad and you get bored? Genuinely, I would expect that if somebody didn’t like that one, they didn’t like any of them except maybe one of the new shows like Andor and/or The Mandalorian, mostly because they are tonally different and appeal to a different, wider audience.
Marriage isn’t for everybody, and that’s okay. As long as you aren’t stringing partners along who are looking to get married when you already know that you aren’t, then your choice doesn’t seem to be hurting anybody.
I’m 35 and married. Sure, tastes change, but my wife and I chose good partners in each other; we won’t hate each other or get irreparably sick of each other, we make a great team, and we understand each other’s limitations and are mature enough to ask for help. We let each other in. There is security and stability in marriage. I’m not great at meeting new people, so not having to go on another first date again is a huge relief for me. Making a good first impression is fucking exhausting. In contrast, I know how my wife is feeling pretty much just by glancing at her, and it’s really fulfilling to be on the same wavelength as my partner like that, especially because we’re also open communicators who can share the honest, fucked up feelings without worrying about judgment. So we’re basically each other’s therapist, but we share housework and meals and money, and we snuggle and kiss and fuck. I can understand that that’s not appealing to everybody, but it’s hard for me to imagine a version of myself who doesn’t want this. But again, it’s not for everybody, and it’s perfectly okay to not want it for yourself.
Agreed. The concession for prime video being so shitty was that it was thrown in with prime shipping. People wanted fast, free delivery and what got them to pull the trigger on paying for that was a streaming service as a bonus. Now the shitty streaming service getting even shittier is making people wonder how much they really care about prime shipping. That’s an uno reverse card if ever I’ve seen one.
Their timing is incredibly stupid. If they had rolled this out in like October, people would’ve stuck it out for prime shipping on Christmas purchases, and then most people would’ve forgotten about it because nobody launches prime video because it’s fucking garbage. This timing is probably gonna push the most people possible to cancel because we already bought shit, we’re looking to cut costs, and people will have a “new year new me” attitude to change habits. The next dumbass move will be to split prime video off to be a separate subscription from prime shipping, and then they’ll raise prices on both until shutting down video when nobody wants it, and then they’ll introduce a cheaper prime shipping tier (current prime price) that is a required subscription to order anything from amazon. They will make the product shittier and shittier until the entire brand collapses like the hollow shell of its former self that it is.
I’m happy to adopt a new podcast app if it has sponsorblock natively or through a plug-in. Otherwise let me know if there’s some other way to make it work. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work as all of the segments tagged for skipping are crowdsourced which would also work for Podcasts.
Idk everybody’s situation, but I just listen like this and manually skip ads. My car has buttons on the steering wheel for forward and backward (if I skip back into the podcast). My earbuds skip forward and backward with double presses on the right and left earbud respectively. Listening otherwise, it’s not that hard for me to grab my phone and skip through a few minutes of ads. Would it be better if it were automatic? Sure. But I’m much more annoyed by YouTube ads popping up every 3-7 minutes.
A pizza can feed a family of four. A cop could feed his family of four if his wife and kids hadn’t left him for the domestic abuse reported amongst 40%* of all American cops.
40% is the self-reported figure. Unreported instances presumably would make the actual number much higher.
It’s not so much about how pizza delivery drivers get easily fired. It’s more about how cops get away with literal murder. If a pizza dude killed somebody who called for them, they wouldn’t have a union and PR team fighting for them and showing that the murder victim was maybe kinda asking for it because they ordered pineapple on their pizza. That’s a metaphor for a light criminal record, yes.
As a layman, I don’t understand most of what you just said but it sounds like it’s a small, cheap, elegant mp3 player for the modern time and that’s surprisingly exciting. As enshittification spreads more and more, I wouldn’t be surprised to see an upcoming exodus from music streaming subscription platforms and a return to a napster-like boom of music piracy as we collectively realize that we really only like listening to like 200 songs anymore anyway, and storage is absurdly cheap compared to 20ish years ago.
What is the best pitch for why somebody should use your device over the phones most of us have within reach? My hunch is that it’s related to privacy or maybe for kids whose parents won’t let them have a phone? Or is this purely a personal project that you’re not looking to monetize?
That’s really cool! My knowledge and experience only goes about as far as building a desktop PC. I’m playing with duplo blocks and you’re over there figuratively the director of R&D at Lego. Best of luck!
After a very brief skim of a few comments, they seem to do a lot of whinging on Lemmy and it’s been about as popular as you might expect. I’m assuming they work at a movie theater because they appear to be a real projection artist.
Agreed. I get annoyed when I see a post here that’s just a gif of a full commercial. Rather than be a dick, I usually just downvote and move on. I’m torn on this one because it’s a solid post critiquing the community to improve, but the comments from OP are a toxic train wreck.
It only gets more frustrating when you learn how franchising works too. The pseudo “owner” of a location doesn’t have much say in anything in particular and doesn’t have much of a budget to do the right things with because they spend everything to have the names, logos, ingredients, recipes, and specific equipment, and there are very tight specs to fall within that can get inspected at any time. So it’s clear that the “owner” should hire enough staff and pay them enough to attract good workers who will make it possible for you to buy a mcflurry, but that “owner” probably pulls 60-90 hour weeks for only about double the rate of what their lowest paid employee makes. They tend to get suckered in because it looks so good on paper but it’s so much worse than it seems. They thought they were signing up to be capitalists and instead they just become a slightly different tier of exploited laborer with much higher stress because of personal investment in the failure or success of the location. They’re effectively indentured servants. The standard workers at least have the freedom to say fuck you and go get a different job without actually losing anything.
If a franchise unionizes, I think that it should be collective for all of the laborers to have security against the corporations ratfucking interests. Corporations want us to demonize their proxy lightning rod location “owners” but we should see through that bullshit.
I did this at the interview for the power plant I’ve been working at for the past 2.5 years. There was a 3 person panel interviewing me and I think they were impressed that I not only asked this but kept asking it through vague bullshit answers. They initially just said “the previous guy left.” And I just sat there for about 10 seconds, waiting for more info than that. Then I said “okay, did he quit, get fired, put in his notice, retire, get demoted, get promoted, become disabled, die off site, die while here…?” He had gone to a different company, but I was uneasy from their hesitance to be forthcoming, so I dug into questions about the culture there, work/life balance, advancement opportunities, safety record, management style, and (maybe my favorite) “what does success in this role look like and how are your feedback and expectations of that communicated to employees?”
They seemed uncomfortable and impatient, but because I already had a decent job at the time I had nothing to lose by swinging my dick around and cutting the bullshit. I highly recommend applying and interviewing for jobs while you’re already reasonably well-employed. It’s great practice, it keeps your resume up to date, you learn real negotiation tactics, and you get to decline offers that aren’t a substantial step up. About a year and a half ago, I did a video interview in my underwear where the manager and supervisor running the interview couldn’t hear me so I was live troubleshooting and resolved their issue. I got an offer, rejected it by telling HR to come back with a higher offer, got the same offer a week later, asked the HR lady why she wasn’t capable of listening to my instructions and was wasting my time with greedy negotiation tactics (which really annoyed her), asked for her name and the name of her supervisor while wholeheartedly rejecting any offer that would come from her, reported the experience to her supervisor, got a call back from the HR lady full of apologies (which I didn’t forgive but thanked her for), and emailed the supervisor I had interviewed with to thank him and let him know that everything sounded great but I couldn’t work for a company whose HR department was that shitty to me before I even verbally accepted an offer. Because of the nature of my industry and our relatively young ages, I told him I wouldn’t be surprised if I wound up working with him somewhere within the next ten years anyway, and I looked forward to that within a company that respects its employees as much as he seems to.
For those who don’t already know, HR exists to fuck the workers in order to benefit the company. Do not trust a goddamn thing HR says. Get everything documented. Record everything they say if it’s legal to do so in your state. If not, draft immediate, timestamped memos (like an email to yourself) of everything that just happened and was said, and be objective with your phrasing.
I can’t wait for the people who are obsessed with “wokeness” to find new substitute words to describe their intolerance. They’ve been using “woke” for an embarrassingly long time and they still haven’t bothered to agree on an actual definition.
You thought the “We don’t know when GTA 6 will come out, we can only guess” articles were bad? Here come the 1000s of “articles” saying “EvErY DeTAiL BroKEn DoWN”....
Do you want to kill what tiny fanbase you already have in America? Because this is how you kill what tiny fanbase you already have in America. We already have MLS to not give a fuck about, but if you make it impossible for fans of a premier team to watch their team play then people will pivot to MLS or a new sport entirely. And somebody might chime in to point out that they have no reason to care about people who aren’t paying customers, except that these white whale fans absolutely are paying customers because they buy team merch and don’t shut the fuck up about how other people should also pay attention to their team, thus expanding interest in their team across the American market.
I like the sport, but I can’t be bothered to give a shit about any team in particular. I just like the higher stakes games between high performance teams like in the world cup group stage and onward.
Whoa, I’ve never heard of this as an option. I watch YouTube on my PS5 and the ads are insane. How hard is this to set up and use? Would I just find smarttube somewhere online on my computer and then send it to the onn box via USB into the apps folder or something?
I feel like the Steam Deck is the best proof of Gabe Newell's quote that "piracy is a service issue."
They could have easily crammed the Steam Deck full of stuff to make it hard to use for piracy - locking down everything, making it usable only to play games you legitimately own, force you to go through who knows what hoops in order to play games on it. That’s what Nintendo or Apple or most other companies do....
6÷2(1+2) (
I will rue the day this inevitably happens. (
Not Sparks. (
You're just a kid, how would you know what you want for the rest of your life? (
Amazon's Prime Video will start serving ads on January 29 unless you pay extra
Water, water, everywhere... (
Is there a sponsor block situation for Podcasts?
I’m happy to adopt a new podcast app if it has sponsorblock natively or through a plug-in. Otherwise let me know if there’s some other way to make it work. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work as all of the segments tagged for skipping are crowdsourced which would also work for Podcasts.
Pizza delivery (
oh no Germany what is u doin (
Cause friendships never end! (
Do better. (
The machine is always broken (
Iron shooting (
I'm gonna pee in a Hot Topic (
Now that the trailer is out (
You thought the “We don’t know when GTA 6 will come out, we can only guess” articles were bad? Here come the 1000s of “articles” saying “EvErY DeTAiL BroKEn DoWN”....
Premier League Targets Dozens of Illegal Streaming Sites in U.S. Court (
Youtube for Samsung TV Tizen OS
In general, I’d appreciate recommendations for it, but a third party youtube app would be great....