Because different people like dofferent things and all “art” is subjective. You are not an immutable objective font or source of truth. Therefore, whilst you might believe it’s shit, any many will agree. You are simultaneously correct and incorrect in your assessment.
Or in short.
Not everyone likes what you like, so they pay for disney if thats what makes them happy.
I lost a wasp to my floor once… a wasp flew into my office room (im very scared of them, so i legged it). i got some wasp spray and waited at the doornway until i saw it again.
I (in a terrified flailing of an attempt) manage to get right up tinit and spray it for a few seconds and backed away to the door again.
I watched it crawl across my desk and go behind a little stack of books and didn’t see it come back out.
I cautiously and tentatively crept in to look for it and looked behind the books, and it wasn’t there. I looked behind the desk, which is fixed in place and rests on a set of drawa but has a gap at rhe back between it and the wall. I can’t see it down there. I got under the desk and checked everywhere. i couldn’t get the angle with my head, so i stuck my phone back there and took pictures of the space behind the drawers. It wasn’t there. I even found one of these hard drive screws.
I have never found it, and im almost willing to accept. i made it up because i go mental with boredom when im working from home.
I seem to recall seeing a video or reading an article where they mention that the media turned antifa into a sort of separate word to warp its meaning. Instead of saying anti fascist, which has a clear meaning, they shortened it and changed the pronunciation ‘an teefa’ (something to do with which syllable you emphasise) so they could distort its meani g and demonise the word to make people think it was bad.
So now people dont realise antifa means anti fascist which is surely a good thing to be, and instead, they fear antifa as some kind of terrorist group, which is almost the opposite of what it is.
The funny thing is, as an outsider to this, living in the UK, our media doesn’t ever use the term, and when i heard it, my instinct was to look up its meaning. It’s interesting to me that i won’t know if i would have fallen for it if the media were using it in the same way over here to lead my understanding of its definition
Please re read the question and ask yourself if you have anything to add to this thread before posting again.
You cant say, this happens to me, all the time, but i dont keep score so i cant give any one specific example. I remember that it happens all the time but i dont remember one single instance of it happening.
This makes you either a liar or a compulsive liar from anyone elses perspective.
I’ve known people like you, this one guy who could play piano until he told me, an actual pianist, then suddenly his piano was at his aunties who lived 3 hours away so he didnt play much anymore. His aunty, who in a different lie lived only 30 minutes away. The same guy could fly an 8 passenger plane. But in a separate lie he could fly a 12 passenger plane.
See how easy that was? I made a statement/claim that i knew people like you. Then i backed it up with a specific example instead of being vague and annoying, pretending i couldn’t remember any specific examples.
This is a coherent method and makes a lot of sense.
Mental gymnastics is when someone has to lie to themselves to make a point that isn’t correct. Like when people argue that trump was a good president because they can list several good things he did.
Or when people claim something is mental gymnastics when it’s actually called maths.
So all my passwords are locked behind a single password? Isnt this essentially the same as using the same password for every site. In that they only need to cracl o e password to have access to everything?