That's actually a myth. Glass is an amorphous solid. It exists the Glass Transition, which is where the solid changes from brittle to rubbery as it heats and begins to melt.
How is this series? I only glanced at the spoiler but some of the last bit was...a lot. Do most of the books receive that trigger warning or is that more of a endgame thing?
That is wrong. Stochastic yes. Photons emission is probabilistic. Destructive interference causes emission to overwhelming follow classical wave theory. Here's a better explanation with a neat graphic.
That's light as an aggregate wave. Photons, actual light, always travel at c. What's happening in a medium is the rapid absorption and readmission of photons. The probability of admission is based on structure of material causing things like lens or mirrors to work.
You can think of it as the photons having to jump between platforms before the can continue running at c.
Don't think about individual photons. Think about billions of them with destructive and constructive interference. The probabilities of all the sitting l additive waves of light.
Fuses don't dissipate electricity. They pass electricity and then blow when exceeded. Blowing is either flipping off (like your breaker) or breaking (like replaceable fuses). The point of a fuse is to be the weakest link so if a surge occurs it doesn't damage equipment or wiring.
In the case you described, they were looking for a load (where energy is used or dissipated to do work) to absorb that much energy at once. There might be a fuse that could withstand that kind of load; there was wiring that could afterall. But if the shield system could absorb the full power of an overloaded warp core, it might not have needed one if there was no downside to overcharging it.
Time travel to the future is interesting but not harmful. Time travel to the past is disastrous. But no one had concept if it do you'd be free to overwrite the future.
You've got it. In 500 years we'll never advanced so much and there will have been so much current exchange and drift I doubt you could be understood at all.
In the 1500s you could get by as a foreigner who barely understood the language. You'd have zero cultural norms so most language that wasn't literal would be unintelligible.
listen, little timmy needs to learn sometime (…/why-sun-wont-become-black-hole/
Meme (
Soup was sheltered from the storm (
Everyone's upset a Youtube blocking adblockers, meanwhile this exists (
Rest in Plasma (
Who is the cruelest fictional villain?
I’m not just talking cruelty in terms of their goals, but also how they went about achieving their goals
Speediest little fella. (
Earth has a cold (
just something about that combination (
Drive aggressively ≠ Arrive early (
When an eel has a maw with a phyrangeal jaw, that's a moray! (
Yet they immediately forgot again (
In which scenario would you last longer before being outed as a time traveller?
Being dropped 500 years ago into your ancestors’ community....