Capitalism somehow means managers know better than you how STEM work should be done. Sigh… get used to it if you want to continue.:-| Make some FOSS on the side for fun?:-)
Okay but then they’re squishy and flop around and send condiments everywhere rather than aiming them like a torpedo directly where they need to go: into your mouth.
It’s a rite of passage! I had to learn it so now you do too! Why, when I was young I used to have to walk to school, uphill both ways, in the snow… :-P
But with coffee you are juiced up enough to… Oh no, YOU were the cause of all those juiced-up raptors out there, running around like Captain Janeway looking for her next fix!? :-( :-P
Oh, whoops - but I’m not going to edit that, just leave that little gem in there to find, when aliens discover the earth millennia from now and ask themselves “what were ancient humans like, on this in-ter-net thingie?”:-P.
This sounds like something a dog-hater would say:-P.
Okay everybody, at 3pm this afternoon, let’s all celebrate [BS] by not taking our dogs to the park, down at XYZ street on the corner of 5th. If it is too late to change your plans, you can still memorialize this holiday by remaining in the southwest corner of the park and never venturing into the northeast portion. Who is with me huh!? :-P
Next study: overturns results of previous study, under different conditions.
Next study: reaffirms results of first study, and finds that the authors of the second study are dumbasses.
Next study: no u r, but what am I?
Fortunately, despite being done by flawed human beings, science usually manages to finds its way to Truth in the end regardless, it’s really quite astonishing how well that works.
Which demon did I just summon to this earthly plane by watching this? Ah well, it’ll have to fight the ones already here for dominance, so I’m sure it will be fine. :-P
No doubt. Wanna fight me? (
despite all my rage IT keeps me trapped like a rat in a cage. (
Double Barrel (
The pain is felt on other planets as well... (
How Croissants are made (
"Purpose" by PoorlyDrawnLines (
Source: Website - RSS
Overanalyzing shitposts is my specialty. (
It will still break them if you try it
Okay, okay, you talked me into coffee. (
Open your eyes, people. (
Spread the word! (
(shamelessly stolen from imgur - I’m not the OP)
We do kind of suck... (
Fetishize This (
#science (
A case in the New Zealand parliament. (
Gorgeous! (
It's an addiction at this point (