Your comment came across as attacking me, and also as a little bit crazed. That said I completely agree with your last sentence, being able to admit you are wrong is a very important skill and one many people could do with learning (I try, I don;t always succeed but I try)
Running Manjaro here. I'm been using Linux exclusively for years, and while I'm not a power user I like to think I'm conversant with it. I've had the odd problem here or there, but honestly not any more than I would expect with any other distro. I picked it because I wanted a rolling release distro that used KDE, and SuSE Tumbleweed didn't want to install that day!
They're doing their best to deal with that small issue, in between ruining everything else. The other side are also crap but are objectively better at everything except number of prime ministers and amount of harm done to the country
First aid kit, water purifier, jeep, cb radio. I'm shit out of luck on my own so the radio is to find a survivor enclave, the jeep is to get there, the water purifier and medical supplies are to trade so they'll let me in.
Any individual cop may prove they specifically are not bad right now, but keep your guard up because it only takes a bad day to change that, and/or the system and constant exposure to bad cops and stupid laws and criminals to grind them down
There are a few but we must assume all cops are bastards as a matter of self defence because the consequences of being wrong about it are atrocious. But you know that, don't you?
I've not tried all of them but I don't like the ones I have tried
And yes, I have tried roasted sprouts, they were perhaps the worst. The best way I have had sprouts was chiffonaded, steamed, then roasted with bacon and chestnuts, but that would have been so much better without the sprouts. Sprouts are absolutely the worst brassicas (and don't tell me "there's a new cultivar that's less bitter now" cos that's also horrid and the bitterness was never the problem). Kale is tough and nasty, broccoli tastes bad and bits of it get everywhere, cabbage is acceptable raw if it's not too strongly flavoured, or its flavour is hidden behind something else and it just provides a crunch.
Mustard (English or Dijon) is good, but not American mustard, that stuff is more bland than mayonnaise! But prepared mustard the condiment tastes absolutely nothing like the leafy green crap I mentioned above
At least in the United States, smoking is something fewer and fewer people take up these days. This obviously wasn’t the case back in the 50’s through the 80’s, where cigarettes were commonly smoked out in public....
Twitter Moment (
which ones do you think I missed? (
image transcription:...
Just no (
Manjaro OS
So I’ve been iso live testing Manjaro KDE Plasma lately and it looks very polished....
They aren't, and I'm sick of being told they are (
Survive the zombie apocalypse (
sErVe aNd pRoFeCt (
Reality Shattered (
IDF be like (
Mustard brings all the boys to the yard. (
(IPTV) 🌍📺This frequently-updated github list gives you TV stations from around the world [x-post] (
What is this? Wrong answers only. (
Ads&trackers biriyani 😋 (
Have you ever had Detroit-style pizza?
If so, what’s your favorite place to get it from?...
Do actors all need to agree to casually smoke for some roles? (
At least in the United States, smoking is something fewer and fewer people take up these days. This obviously wasn’t the case back in the 50’s through the 80’s, where cigarettes were commonly smoked out in public....
What are your "weirdest" pizza toppings or other weird food combos?
One I've tried is cucumber with tomato sauce. It didn't taste so bad.
How do I block entire instances?
I mean what comes after the @. I'm tired of seeing a bunch of lame porn from @lemmynsfw
No bicycles/skates? Fine. (