I remember walking into a game store once while they were having a card tournament. It smelled like a mix of homeless person and unwashed ass. You know that smell, when someone just puts talcum powder over their swamp ass and thinks it’s masking the smell but it isn’t? I immediately realised why the door had been propped open.
It’s not just conservatives. I feel like I’ve been screaming into the wind about Danny Masterson and Ashton Kutcher for like a decade, and just about everyone defended them and shit on me for calling them creeps, and potential abusers. Same with Johnny Depp, who is a real piece of work, but gets a pass because his ex was worse. Joe Biden is suddenly no longer creepy uncle Joe among young Democrats, and even calling out his past issues will get you labeled a conservative.
I’m a condominium superintendent, I once had to go into all the units for smoke detector replacements. I get to one apartment and it stinks. There are dishes on the table with half eaten/rotted food. Pots on the stove that are the same. All the food in the fridge is molding, and the apartment is in general disarray.
I had to call my boss, who in turned tried to get a hold of the owners with no success. We had to end up calling the cops, who first sent a patrol, then later a detective to get a missing persons case going. A month later, the cops contact us to inform us that the owners went on a six month trip to China and didn’t think to tell anyone. They came back a few weeks later and acted like nothing happened. Turns out they were just filthy people, not dead.
Tip your building superintendent this Christmas, they’re actually on the top 10 list of dangerous jobs in North America, like 10 spots above cops. I’ve done the job and it’s high risk of ergonomic injury, as well as accidents, and working alone makes it even more hazardous. You can get sick from the job, get crushed by garbage bins, electrocuted, poisoned, gased, burned, fall off a ladder or worse, and it’s low pay.
A loss prevention guy followed my sister to her car after dark once, he thought she took something and wanted to check her receipt. she was sobbing cause she thought she was about to get raped. Loss prevention officers are just idiotic jackasses who aren’t smart enough to do anything else.
Also people who think all all Jews are Israelis. My wife is Canadian Jewish, and she’s not very religious or political. I’m Latino and I know more about Israel than she does, but people sometimes try to put Israel’s baggage on her or her family because of their ancestry. She considers herself Canadian, and her Jewish heritage is a cultural one, not a location.
I’ve also found that gen z aren’t as sex crazed as we were, I felt like I had a monkey on my back and had to screw everything. Gen z is more aware of the consequences, and they have other shit to keep them occupied, we were bored a lot.
Paul Verhoeven is great at satire that goes over people’s heads. Same with Robocop, which is a hyper violent satire on American police militarization, privatization, corporate corruption and a complete lack of government oversight.