I remember walking into a game store once while they were having a card tournament. It smelled like a mix of homeless person and unwashed ass. You know that smell, when someone just puts talcum powder over their swamp ass and thinks it’s masking the smell but it isn’t? I immediately realised why the door had been propped open.
That’s my point, none of it is humane. And you can shoot a person more than once to make sure they’re dead, and like I said, the ethics of shooting someone in the head is not different than the ethics of injecting poison into someone, they’re both fucked up things to do, no matter how clean you pretend it is
Reminds me of the SNL sketch where the rock plays banner trying to get an office job, and his co-workers troll him just to piss him off and get him to rip his suits
At what point do we admit that it’s more humane to just shoot someone in the brain? If you’re gonna have a death penalty, it should be dirty and fucked up. Making death penalty too neat and clean, just encourages the states to keep it around. Make the state feel that decision…
It’s crazy to think she was only 22-23 when she filmed Empire strikes back. She always has this authority and confidence that made her seem much older.
I read an account somewhere once, about how these chiseled natives were met by the Europeans. Pudgy, pale, balding, Europeans. I can imagine the European women at seeing those badass men next to theirs.