Remember kids, the church still continues to shuffle pedo priests and is still telling victims to eat shit. The Catholic Church is a corporation, and they only care about money and power, no matter how much their current PR pope spews hollow platitudes, without actually fixing anything.
Empty words from a fake “holy” leader who was elected by a board room of bankers and financiers.
I maintain that I was married to her in a past life. From our first date we clicked immediately. It felt like I was back into a groove with someone I’ve known forever. She came over to stay at my place for the weekend after like our 4th date, she never left. We’ve been living together since like 3 weeks after meeting, and we have never regretted it. We have kids and love each other and our life immensely.
Paul Verhoeven is great at satire that goes over people’s heads. Same with Robocop, which is a hyper violent satire on American police militarization, privatization, corporate corruption and a complete lack of government oversight.
Nobody is doing that. Literally nobody is writing those scripts, you just view them as “woke” because suddenly the hero isn’t male, or white. Pretend die hard doesn’t exist, If you were to write die hard exactly as it’s on the script but McClain is a woman, is that woke?
Why is it that when a woman or person of color gets even close to a leading role, suddenly it’s called “woke”
All this advise is making me realize it wasn’t just a crush.
I’ve not seen her for years, I try my best to have contempt for her, I don’t look her up or make any sort of contact. She’s dead as far as I know, and that’s kinda how it feels. But I think about her often, I think about the regrets. It’s been years of no contact and I’m still mourning losing this “crush”
I much prefer being a young parent, than the idea of raising teenagers in my 50s or 60s. I much rather have all my fun, travel and adventures with my kids or will do with my wife when we’re older and the kids moved out
My neighbors cats used to wreck my herb garden and such. One of them once tried to rip through my window screen to get inside my house and get my pet parrot. I would have made that cat disappear if he had gotten in, and his owner would have never known what happened, and that would be their own fault
Can you imagine if dog owners just opened the door at night, and let their dogs fuck off to do whatever? They’d rightly be charged and have their pets taken away
Blah blah blah, legally your cat is your PROPERTY. And if your pet becomes my pest on MY property, it will be dealt with as such. I don’t live in the wild, I live in my home on my property, keep your shit bag cat off of mine.
Your cat is your property. Keep it in your property. If your pet becomes my pest, it will be dealt with as such. I once had a neighbor’s cat almost rip through my window screen to get inside and go after my pet parrot. If the cat had made it inside, he would not have made it out alive.
Then I could return it’s corpse to you, and you can tell me all about how they evolved alongside humans, and how that means you’re entitled to let your pet fuck up my yard, home and pets
Tip your building superintendent this Christmas, they’re actually on the top 10 list of dangerous jobs in North America, like 10 spots above cops. I’ve done the job and it’s high risk of ergonomic injury, as well as accidents, and working alone makes it even more hazardous. You can get sick from the job, get crushed by garbage bins, electrocuted, poisoned, gased, burned, fall off a ladder or worse, and it’s low pay.
Murder local wildlife, cause property damage to neighbors, kill neighbors pets, spread disease. Roaming cats suck, and so do their entitled owners who think that everyone’s property belongs to their pet