I think it was more meant in the sense that the voice of Agimus and Shran are remarkably similar not just due to the same person voicing them but also a lot of inflection/speaking style.
I was watching Lower Decks with a friend a couple days ago and somehow just before the episode repeat guests had been brought up. When I realized it was the Agimus/PeanutHamper episode I started giggling. He already knew Agimus but somehow hadn’t clicked that it was Combs voicing him. To be fair I didn’t either until that episode. When I told him he couldn’t stop laughing during the whole ass episode saying “Oh my god it’s just Shran!”
Yes. Granted not due to being a white educated man so much as a human who doesn’t have loads of money or influence. At least in 1923 you didn’t have every corporation trying to micromanage your life and life was affordable.
Okay but he’s also a twice impeached rapist who actively made fun of disabled folks, trampled on the rights of everyone, and actively talks about attacking American democracy