Unless you’re drinking unfiltered beers, you shouldn’t actually have any live yeast left in your beer. And if there are prepare t6o be gassy as fuck for the rest of the day.
Which essentially is what makes up a lot of food we eat.
Well everything we eat was once living, or a product of something living. It’s not why people don’t like eating mold.
Mold still tastes nasty as fuck, blue cheese included, even if that particular mold is safe to eat.
Yes, I followed the ones posted. None of them say the opposite, they all leave out the results from the lidded flushes. And someone else posted a paper that showed that although lid closed produced fewer particles, they were larger, and lasted longer, so flushing lid closed was not particularly more hygienic.
I don’t think getting instagram, or photoshop off the microsoft store is giving anyone a virus. And I’ve never gotten a virus from it in the few times I’ve used it.
There are wealthy women out there, so it is entirely in the range of possibility. My mom’s first husband left her when she started making more money as a lawyer than him. It’s an ego thing.